Returns the object type. Read-only ChartAxisTypeEnum.
ChartAxisTypeEnum can be one of these ChartAxisTypeEnum constants. |
chCategoryAxis |
chSeriesAxis |
chTimescaleAxis |
chValueAxis |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the ChChart and ChSeries objects.
Returns or sets the object type. Read/write ChartChartTypeEnum.
ChartChartTypeEnum can be one of these ChartChartTypeEnum constants. |
chChartTypeArea |
chChartTypeArea3D |
chChartTypeAreaOverlapped3D |
chChartTypeAreaStacked |
chChartTypeAreaStacked100 |
chChartTypeAreaStacked1003D |
chChartTypeAreaStacked3D |
chChartTypeBar3D |
chChartTypeBarClustered |
chChartTypeBarClustered3D |
chChartTypeBarStacked |
chChartTypeBarStacked100 |
chChartTypeBarStacked1003D |
chChartTypeBarStacked3D |
chChartTypeBubble |
chChartTypeBubbleLine |
chChartTypeColumn3D |
chChartTypeColumnClustered |
chChartTypeColumnClustered3D |
chChartTypeColumnStacked |
chChartTypeColumnStacked100 |
chChartTypeColumnStacked1003D |
chChartTypeColumnStacked3D |
chChartTypeCombo |
chChartTypeCombo3D |
chChartTypeDoughnut |
chChartTypeDoughnutExploded |
chChartTypeLine |
chChartTypeLine3D |
chChartTypeLineMarkers |
chChartTypeLineOverlapped3D |
chChartTypeLineStacked |
chChartTypeLineStacked100 |
chChartTypeLineStacked1003D |
chChartTypeLineStacked100Markers |
chChartTypeLineStacked3D |
chChartTypeLineStackedMarkers |
chChartTypePie |
chChartTypePie3D |
chChartTypePieExploded |
chChartTypePieExploded3D |
chChartTypePieStacked |
chChartTypePolarLine |
chChartTypePolarLineMarkers |
chChartTypePolarMarkers |
chChartTypePolarSmoothLine |
chChartTypePolarSmoothLineMarkers |
chChartTypeRadarLine |
chChartTypeRadarLineFilled |
chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers |
chChartTypeRadarSmoothLine |
chChartTypeRadarSmoothLineMarkers |
chChartTypeScatterLine |
chChartTypeScatterLineFilled |
chChartTypeScatterLineMarkers |
chChartTypeScatterMarkers |
chChartTypeScatterSmoothLine |
chChartTypeScatterSmoothLineMarkers |
chChartTypeSmoothLine |
chChartTypeSmoothLineMarkers |
chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked |
chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100 |
chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100Markers |
chChartTypeSmoothLineStackedMarkers |
chChartTypeStockHLC |
chChartTypeStockOHLC |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the ChErrorBars object.
Returns or sets the object type. Read/write ChartErrorBarTypeEnum.
ChartErrorBarTypeEnum can be one of these ChartErrorBarTypeEnum constants. |
chErrorBarTypeCustom |
chErrorBarTypeFixedValue |
chErrorBarTypePercent |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the ChScaling object.
Returns or sets the object type. Read/write ChartScaleTypeEnum.
ChartScaleTypeEnum can be one of these ChartScaleTypeEnum constants. |
chScaleTypeLinear |
chScaleTypeLogarithmic |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the ChTrendline object.
Returns or sets the object type. Read/write ChartTrendlineTypeEnum.
ChartTrendlineTypeEnum can be one of these ChartTrendlineTypeEnum constants. |
chTrendlineTypeExponential |
chTrendlineTypeLinear |
chTrendlineTypeLogarithmic |
chTrendlineTypeMovingAverage |
chTrendlineTypePolynomial |
chTrendlineTypePower |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the PageRelationship object.
Returns the object type. Read-only DscPageRelTypeEnum.
DscPageRelTypeEnum can be one of these DscPageRelTypeEnum constants. |
dscLookup |
dscSublist |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the PivotField object.
Returns the object type. Read-only PivotFieldTypeEnum.
PivotFieldTypeEnum can be one of these PivotFieldTypeEnum constants. |
plTypeCalculated |
plTypeCustomGroup |
plTypeRegular |
plTypeTimeDays |
plTypeTimeHalfYears |
plTypeTimeHours |
plTypeTimeMinutes |
plTypeTimeMonths |
plTypeTimeQuarters |
plTypeTimeSeconds |
plTypeTimeUndefined |
plTypeTimeWeekdays |
plTypeTimeWeeks |
plTypeTimeYears |
plTypeUnknown |
plTypeUserDefined |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the PivotFieldSet object.
Returns the object type. Read-only PivotFieldSetTypeEnum.
PivotFieldSetTypeEnum can be one of these PivotFieldSetTypeEnum constants. |
plFieldSetTypeOther |
plFieldSetTypeTime |
plFieldSetTypeUnknown |
plFieldSetTypeUserDefined |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the PivotTotal object.
Returns the object type. Read-only PivotTotalTypeEnum.
PivotTotalTypeEnum can be one of these PivotTotalTypeEnum constants. |
plTotalTypeCalculated |
plTotalTypeIntrinsic |
plTotalTypeUserDefined |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the SchemaRowsource object.
Returns or sets the object type. Read/write DscRowsourceTypeEnum.
DscRowsourceTypeEnum can be one of these DscRowsourceTypeEnum constants. |
dscCommandFile |
dscCommandText |
dscProcedure |
dscTable |
dscView |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the Section object.
Returns the object type. Read-only SectTypeEnum.
SectTypeEnum can be one of these SectTypeEnum constants. |
sectTypeCaption |
sectTypeFooter |
sectTypeHeader |
sectTypeNone |
sectTypeRecNav |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the Worksheet object.
Returns the object type. Read-only XlSheetType.
XlSheetType can be one of these XlSheetType constants. |
xlWorksheet |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
Type property as it applies to the Window object.
Returns the object type. Read-only XlWindowType.
XlWindowType can be one of these XlWindowType constants. |
xlWorkbook |
expression Required. An expression that returns one of the above objects.
This example sets the chart type for the specified chart.
Sub SetChartType()
Dim chConstants
Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants
ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Type = chConstants.chChartTypeLineMarkers
End Sub