FireParametersOut Method
Use this this method to trigger the ParametersOutReady event. Returns Nothing.
expression.FireParametersOut(InterfaceName, ParamArray)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Spreadsheet object.
InterfaceName Required. Name of a ParametersOutProvider interface, as specified in the solution specification file.
ParamArray Optional. One dimensional array of strings in which each string is the value of a parameter. If a parameter is not specified, the value in /ParametersOutProvider/SendParameters/Parameter/DefaultValue will be used. If both are missing, an error is returned.
Note that this method doesn't apply unless the Spreadsheet component is running in the context of a Spreadsheet Web Part on a Web Part Page on a SharePoint site.
The Spreadsheet Web Part can implement the IParametersOutProvider interface. The ParametersOutReady event is triggered when a separate Web Part that implements the IParametersOutProvider interface invokes its FireParametersOut method. The ParametersOutReady event passes a set of developer-defined parameters to another Web Part that implements the IParametersOutConsumer interface.
For more information on the schema of a solution specification file, search the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site for "solution specification file." For general information on the solution specification file and some examples, search Microsoft Office Excel 2003 help for "spreadsheet web part."