PivotAxisMember Object

Represents the values displayed for a grouped field. The PivotAxisMember object is a member of the PivotAxisMembers collection.
Using the PivotAxisMember object
The following properties return a PivotAxisMember object:
The FindAxisMember property of the PivotAxisMember, PivotColumnMember , PivotPageMember , and PivotRowMember objects
The ParentAxisMember property of the PivotAxisMember, PivotColumnMember, PivotPageMember, and PivotRowMember objects
The TotalMember property of the PivotAxisMember, PivotColumnMember, PivotPageMember, and PivotRowMember objects
The Member property of the PivotResultColumnAxis , PivotResultGroupAxis , PivotResultPageAxis , and PivotResultRowAxis objects
The Item property of the PivotAxisMembers collection.
The PivotAxisMember has many properties in common with the PivotMember object. However the PivotAxisMember object contains some properties that the PivotMember object does not have. You can use the GroupField and CustomGroupType properties to access the grouping settings of the member. You can use the Hyperlink property to access the hyperlink settings of the member. The MemberProperties property can be used to access any member properties of the member. The Height , Left , and Width properties can be used to set the size and position of the member.