ListRows Collection

Using the ListRows Collection
The ListRows collection is a collection of all the ListRow objects in a ListObject object . A ListObject object represents an XML list in a Spreadsheet component. The ListRow object is a member of the ListRows collection.
Individual ListRow objects in the ListRows collection are indexed beginning with 1 for the first object, 2 for the second object, and so forth. You use the Item property to return a single ListRow object from the ListRows collection. The argument for the Item property is the index number in the ListRows collection of the ListRow object.
You create a new row in the ListRows collection by promoting the cells in the insert row to an "official" row. To do this, you use the Add method, which returns a ListRow object representing the newly created row. The new row will be added to the bottom of the XML list.
You use the read-only Count property to return the number of objects in the ListRows collection. The Application and Parent properties return the Spreadsheet component and the parent object (which is the ListObject object) for the specified ListRows object.