DefaultQueryOnLoad Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Visual Basic

DefaultQueryOnLoad Property

When this property is set to True, bindings that have a Purpose attribute with the value "Query" and a LoadMode attribute with the value "Normal" will refresh when the page loads. When set to False, no bindings are refreshed when the page is loaded. Read/write.

expression .DefaultQueryOnLoad

expression    Required. An expression that returns a Spreadsheet object.


An XmlDataBinding object can be a binding to an XML file, a SOAP service, another Web Part (only when binding from a Spreadsheet Web Part), or a data retrieval service.

The default value for the DefaultQueryOnLoad property is True. The Purpose attribute is in the data retrieval service connection binding detail contained in the <DataSource> element in the XML Spreadsheet file (Binding/DataSource/ConnectionInfo@Purpose). The LoadMode attribute is in the <Binding> element. The XML fragment where these details appear in the XML Spreadsheet file looks something like following:

      <x2:Binding x2:ID="Cust_bind_id" x2:LoadMode="Normal" x2:Async="False">
   <udc:DataSource MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0">
   <udc:Type Type="XMLFile" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0"/>
   <udc:ConnectionInfo Purpose="Query">