expression.DrawPolygon(xValues, yValues)
expression Required. An expression that returns a ChChartDraw object.
xValues Required Variant. An array containing the X values used to calculate the polygon.
yValues Required Variant. An array containing the Y values used to calculate the polygon.
This example uses the BeforeRender event to cancel rendering the chart title and the AfterRender event to replace the chart title with a polygon.
Private Sub ChartSpace1_BeforeRender(chartObject,Cancel)
If TypeName(chartObject) = "ChTitle" Then
Cancel.Value = True
End If
End Sub
Sub ChartSpace1_AfterRender(drawObject, chartObject)
Dim alXValues(9)
Dim alYValues(9)
Dim chConstants
Dim iCutoff
iCutoff = 20
Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants
If TypeName(chartObject) = "ChTitle" Then
' Set the array containing the x values for
' the line.
alXValues(0) = chartObject.Left + iCutoff
alXValues(1) = chartObject.Right - iCutoff
alXValues(2) = chartObject.Right
alXValues(3) = chartObject.Right
alXValues(4) = chartObject.Right - iCutoff
alXValues(5) = chartObject.Left + iCutoff
alXValues(6) = chartObject.Left
alXValues(7) = chartObject.Left
alXValues(8) = chartObject.Left + iCutoff
' Set the array containing the y values for
' the line.
alYValues(0) = chartObject.Top
alYValues(1) = chartObject.Top
alYValues(2) = chartObject.Top + iCutoff
alYValues(3) = chartObject.Bottom - iCutoff
alYValues(4) = chartObject.Bottom
alYValues(5) = chartObject.Bottom
alYValues(6) = chartObject.Bottom - iCutoff
alYValues(7) = chartObject.Top + iCutoff
alYValues(8) = chartObject.Top
' Set the properties for the polygon.
drawObject.Interior.SetTwoColorGradient chConstants.chGradientFromCenter, _
chConstants.chGradientVariantStart, "Red", "Green"
' Draw the polygon.
drawObject.DrawPolygon alXValues, alYValues
End If
End Sub