expression.DrawText(bstrText, Left, Top)
expression Required. An expression that returns a ChChartDraw object.
bstrText Required String. The text to draw on the chart.
Left Required Long. Pixel coordinate of the left edge of the text.
Top Required Long. Pixel coordinate of the top edge of the text.
This example adds a text string to the upper-left corner of the plot area each time that the chart is re-drawn.
Sub ChartSpace1_AfterRender(drawObject, chartObject)
Dim chChart1
Set chChart1 = ChartSpace1.Charts(0)
' After the legend has been rendered, then add the text
' to the chart.
If TypeName(chartObject) = "ChLegend" Then
drawObject.DrawText "2000 Sales", chChart1.PlotArea.Left + 5, _
End If
End Sub