BindingInProgress Property
As it applies to the XmlDataBinding object.
Returns a True or False value to indicate the status of a particular data retrieval service connection binding.
expression Required. An expression that returns an XmlDataBinding object.
The BindingInProgress property applies only to asynchronous query bindings since you can't make object model calls while a synchronous binding is in progress. A True value indicates that the specified binding is in the process of performing an asynchronous binding. False means no binding is in progress.
You can use the Async property of the XmlDataBinding object to determine if a binding is asynchronous or not.
As it applies to the XmlDataBindings collection.
Returns True or False value that indicates the status of the data retrieval service connection bindings in a workbook.
expression Required. An expression that returns an XmlDataBindings collection.
The BindingInProgress property applies only to asynchronous query bindings since you can't make object model calls while a synchronous binding is in progress. A True value indicates that a binding is in the process of performing an asynchronous binding. False means no binding is in progress.
You can use the Async property of the XmlDataBinding object to determine if a binding is asynchronous or not.
As it applies to the XmlDataBindings collection.
The following code example checks whether a binding is in progress for each of the XmlDataBindings objects. The Spreadsheet component is named Spreadsheet1 here.
Dim objBinding
Dim strBindingInProgress
For Each objBinding In Spreadsheet1.ActiveWorkbook.XmlDataBindings
If objBinding.Async = True Then
' Save the binding-in-progress information to a variable.
strBindingInProgress = objBinding.BindingInProgress
' Work with the information here.
End If