expression.Find(What, After, LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte)
expression An expression that returns a Range object.
What Required Variant. The data to be searched for.
After Optional Variant. Specifies a single cell after which the search begins. This corresponds to the position of the active cell when a search is done from the user interface. Remember that the search begins after this cell; the specified cell isn’t searched until the method wraps back around to this cell. If you don’t specify this argument, the search starts after the cell in the upper-left corner of the range
LookIn Optional XlFindLookIn . Specifies whether to search formulas or the displayed value.
XlFindLookIn can be one of these XlFindLookIn constants. |
xlFormulas |
xlValues |
LookAt Optional XlLookAt . Set this argument to xlWhole to force the entire contents of the cell to match the contents of the What argument.
XlLookAt can be one of these XlFindLookAt constants. |
xlPart |
xlWhole |
SearchOrder Optional XlSearchOrder . Specifies whether to search by columns or rows.
XlSearchOrder can be one of these XlSearchOrder constants. |
xlByColumns |
xlByRows |
SearchDirection Optional XlSearchDirection . Specifies the search direction.
XlSearchDirection can be one of these XlSearchDirection constants. |
xlNext |
xlPrevious |
MatchCase Optional Boolean. True to make the search case sensitive. The default value is False.
MatchByte Optional Variant. Used only if you’ve selected or installed double-byte language support. True to have double-byte characters match only double-byte characters. False to have double-byte characters match their single-byte equivalents.
This example finds all occurrences of "Mike" in the range A1:F10 and makes those cells bold.
Sub Find_Mike()
Dim ssConstants
Dim rngFindRange
Dim rngFoundCell
Dim rngFirstFound
Set ssConstants = Spreadsheet1.Constants
' Set a variable to the range to search.
Set rngFindRange = Spreadsheet1.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:F10")
' Find the first occurrence of Mike.
Set rngFoundCell = rngFindRange.Find("Mike", rngFindRange.Cells(1, 1), _
ssConstants.xlValues, ssConstants.xlPart)
' If Mike was found...
If Not rngFoundCell Is Nothing Then
' Set a variable to the first found instance.
Set rngFirstFound = rngFoundCell
' Set the font to bold.
rngFoundCell.Font.Bold = True
'Find the next occurrence of Mike.
Set rngFoundCell = rngFindRange.FindNext(rngFoundCell)
' Loop until you return to the first occurrence of Mike.
Loop Until rngFoundCell.Address = rngFirstFound.Address
End If
End Sub