Returns or sets the error bar elements that will be included on the specified chart. The default value is chErrorBarIncludeBoth. Read/write ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum .
ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum can be one of these ChartErrorBarIncludeEnum constants. |
chErrorBarIncludeBoth |
chErrorBarIncludeMinusValues |
chErrorBarIncludePlusValues |
expression Required. An expression that returns a ChErrorBars object.
This example adds error bars to the specified chart and sets the error bars to display only plus values.
Sub Format_ErrorBars()
Dim chConstants
Dim ebErrorBars
Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants
' Add error bars to the first series in the first chart.
Set ebErrorBars = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).SeriesCollection(0).ErrorBarsCollection.Add
' Include positive values.
ebErrorBars.Include = chConstants.chErrorBarIncludePlusValues
End Sub