HeaderHAlignment Property

Microsoft Office Web Components Visual Basic

constant that represents the horizontal alignment of a heading in the data area or an item in the filter area of the specified view. Read/write.


expression    Required. An expression that returns a PivotView object.


Use the HeaderBackColor, HeaderForeColor, and HeaderFont properties in addition to this property to format the heading in the data area or an item in the filter area of a PivotTable list.


This example formats the header for the data area and the filter area of the current view in PivotTable1.

Sub SetHeaderProperties()

    Dim ptView
    Dim ptConstants

    Set ptConstants = PivotTable1.Constants

    ' Set a variable to the current PivotTable view.
    Set ptView = PivotTable1.ActiveView

    ' Set the background color.
    ptView.HeaderBackColor = "Gray"

    ' Set the foreground color.
    ptView.HeaderForeColor = "Blue"

    ' Set the font.
    ptView.HeaderFont = "Tahoma"

    ' Set the alignment.
    ptView.HeaderHAlignment = ptConstants.plHAlignLeft

End Sub