GetDataPointVisible Method
Returns the index of the data point that is visible in the scroll view. Long.
expression Required. An expression that returns a ChSeries object.
datapoint Required ChartDataPointEnum.
ChartDataPointEnum can be one of these ChartDataPointEnum constants. |
chDataPointFirst Visible data point with the lowest index value. |
chDataPointLast Visible data point with the highest index value. |
A data point is considered visible only if the associated category is within the scroll view. This method is valid only for bar and column charts. For other chart types, the value returned is undefined.
The following example demonstrates how to get the index of the data point that is visible in the scroll view.
Dim objSeries
Dim chChart
Dim lngPointFirst
Dim lngPointLast
Set chChart = ChartSpace.Constants
' Save the lowest and highest visible data point index values to variables.
lngPointFirst = _
lngPointLast = _