PivotMemberProperty Object

Represents a member property for a PivotTable member. A member property is a custom property that has been defined for the member in an OLAP cube.
Using the PivotMemberProperty object
The following properties return a PivotMemberProperty object:
The PivotMemberProperties collection's Item property
The PivotResultMemberProperty object's MemberProperty property
Use the DisplayIn property to control whether the specified member property is displayed in the PivotTable list, ScreenTip, both the PivotTable list and ScreenTip, or not at all. Use the Caption property to set the caption for a member property.
The following example sets the captions of, and then displays the member captions of the Store Name field.
Sub DisplayMemberProperties()
Dim ptView
Dim ptConstants
Dim fldStoreName
Set ptConstants = PivotTable1.Constants
' Set a variable to the active view of the PivotTable.
Set ptView = PivotTable1.ActiveView
' Set a variable to the Store Name field.
Set fldStoreName = ptView.FieldSets("Store").Fields("Store Name")
' The following three lines of code specify that the member properties are
' displayed in the PivotTable list.
fldStoreName.MemberProperties("Store Manager").DisplayIn = ptConstants.plDisplayPropertyInReport
fldStoreName.MemberProperties("Store Type").DisplayIn = ptConstants.plDisplayPropertyInReport
fldStoreName.MemberProperties("Store Sqft").DisplayIn = ptConstants.plDisplayPropertyInReport
' The following three lines of code set the caption for the member properties.
fldStoreName.MemberProperties("Store Manager").Caption = "Manager Name"
fldStoreName.MemberProperties("Store Type").Caption = "Store Type"
fldStoreName.MemberProperties("Store Sqft").Caption = "Size in SQFT"
End Sub