ExportMetaData Method

Microsoft Office Web Components Visual Basic

ExportMetaData Method

Use this method to return a Variant (String) that contains the <pagingInfo> tag from the data retrieval services query response from the most recent binding refresh operation.

expression .ExportMetaData (ShowDialogs)

expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

ShowDialogs    Optional Boolean. Specifies whether a dialog box is displayed if the ExportMetaData method encounters an error that is returned by the Spreadsheet component itself. When ShowDialogs    is set to True, a dialog box is displayed if the ExportMetaData method encounters an error returned by the Spreadsheet component. When ShowDialogs    is set to False, dialog boxes for Spreadsheet component errors are not displayed. The default is False.

Note  The ShowDialogs argument does not control whether a dialog box will be displayed for errors external to the Spreadsheet component, such as errors returned by scripting components. To prevent a dialog box from displaying for errors external to the Spreadsheet component, you must trap those errors in your script.


The <pagingInfo> tag will not always be present in the query response. When it is not present, the ExportMetaData method will return an empty String.