True if the undo functionality is enabled for the specified spreadsheet. Setting the EnableUndo property to False disables the undo functionality of the spreadsheet component. Read/write Boolean.
expression Required. An expression that returns a Spreadsheet object.
This example creates an undo block containing code that sets the number format and font for the cell D10.
Sub Undo_Block()
Dim rngCurrent
' Enable undo.
Spreadsheet1.EnableUndo = True
' Start an undo block.
Set rngCurrent = Spreadsheet1.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("D10")
' The following three lines of code apply
' various formatting to cell D10.
rngCurrent.NumberFormat = "0.###"
rngCurrent.Font.Color = "Blue"
rngCurrent.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
' End the undo block.
End Sub