Private Sub Object_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Object The name of the Spreadsheet object that you are trapping this event for.
Sh A Worksheet object that represents the sheet.
Target A Range object that represents the changed range.
This example illustrates how to use the SheetChange event to perform conditional formatting on cells A1:10 in Sheet1 of Spreadsheet1.
Sub Spreadsheet1_SheetChange(Sh, Target)
Dim rngIntersect
Dim rngCondFormat
' Set a variable to the range to be conditionally formatted. In this
' case, the range is cells A1:A10 on Sheet1.
Set rngCondFormat = Spreadsheet1.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10")
' Check to see if the change was made on Sheet1.
If Sh.Name = "Sheet1" Then
' Set a variable to the intersection of the changed cell
' and the conditional formatting range.
Set rngIntersect = Spreadsheet1.RectIntersect(Target, rngCondFormat)
' Check to see if the changed cell intersects with the
' conditional formatting range.
If Not rngIntersect Is Nothing Then
' Format the target cell based on its value.
Select Case Target.Value
Case Is >= 25
Target.Font.Color = "Green"
Target.Font.Bold = True
Target.Font.Italic = False
Case Is >= 10
Target.Font.Color = "Blue"
Target.Font.Bold = False
Target.Font.Italic = True
Case Is < 10
Target.Font.Color = "Red"
Target.Font.Bold = True
Target.Font.Italic = False
End Select
End If
End If
End Sub