expression Required. An expression that returns a PivotMember object.
This example attempts to find a specific warehouse in the Warehouse field set. The user is alerted if the specified warehouse is not found.
Sub FindWarehouse()
Dim ptView
Dim ptConstants
Dim fsWarehouse
Dim pmFound
Set ptConstants = PivotTable1.Constants
' Set a variable to the active view.
Set ptView = PivotTable1.ActiveView
' Set a variable to the Warehouse field set.
Set fsWarehouse = ptView.FieldSets("Warehouse")
' Set a variable to the results of the FindMember property.
Set pmFound = fsWarehouse.FindMember("Quality Distribution, Inc.", ptConstants.plFindFormatPathName)
' Check to see if the member was found.
If pmFound.IsValid = False Then
' Alert the user if the member was not found.
MsgBox "The specified member does not exist."
End If
End Sub