AutoFilter Method

Microsoft Office Web Components Visual Basic

Displays or hides the AutoFilter drop-down arrows. You typically use this method to turn on the AutoFilter and add one or more criteria to it; you can then use the Apply method to apply the new filter.

expression.AutoFilter(Field, Criteria1, Operator, Criteria2, VisibleDropDown)

expression    An expression that returns a Range object.

Field   Optional Variant. This argument is not supported.

Criteria1   Optional Variant. This argument is not supported.

Operator   Optional Variant. This argument is not supported.

Criteria2   Optional Variant. This argument is not supported.

VisibleDropDown   Optional Variant. This argument is not supported.


Do not confuse this method with the AutoFilter property. This method applies to a Range object and turns on the AutoFilter, whereas the AutoFilter property returns the AutoFilter object for a given worksheet.


This example turns on the AutoFilter for the range A1:C20, sets filters for columns A and C, and then applies the filters.

Sub Apply_AutoFilter()
    Dim afFilters
    Dim afCol1
    Dim afCol3
    ' Turn on AutoFilter.
    ' Set a variable to the AutoFilter object.
    Set afFilters = Spreadsheet1.Worksheets("sheet1").AutoFilter
    Set afCol1 = afFilters.Filters(1)
    Set afCol3 = afFilters.Filters(3)
    ' Add a criteria that excludes blue from column A.
    afCol1.Criteria.Add "blue"
    ' Add a criteria that excludes green from column A.
    afCol1.Criteria.Add "green"
    ' Add a criteria that excludes yellow from column c.
    afCol3.Criteria.Add "yellow"
    ' Apply the criteria.
End Sub