The following table contains the complete ISO Latin-1 character set, corresponding to the first 256 entries of the Unicode character repertoire. The table provides each character, its decimal code, its named entity reference for HTML, and also a brief description.
Character | Decimal code | Named entity | Description |
--- | � | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- | 	 | --- | Horizontal tab |
--- | | --- | Line feed |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- | | --- | Carriage Return |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
  | --- | Space | |
! | ! | --- | Exclamation mark |
" | " | " | Quotation mark |
# | # | --- | Number sign |
$ | $ | --- | Dollar sign |
% | % | --- | Percent sign |
& | & | & | Ampersand |
' | ' | --- | Apostrophe |
( | ( | --- | Left parenthesis |
) | ) | --- | Right parenthesis |
* | * | --- | Asterisk |
+ | + | --- | Plus sign |
, | , | --- | Comma |
- | - | --- | Hyphen |
. | . | --- | Period (fullstop) |
/ | / | --- | Solidus (slash) |
0 | 0 | --- | Digit 0 |
1 | 1 | --- | Digit 1 |
2 | 2 | --- | Digit 2 |
3 | 3 | --- | Digit 3 |
4 | 4 | --- | Digit 4 |
5 | 5 | --- | Digit 5 |
6 | 6 | --- | Digit 6 |
7 | 7 | --- | Digit 7 |
8 | 8 | --- | Digit 8 |
9 | 9 | --- | Digit 9 |
: | : | --- | Colon |
; | ; | --- | Semicolon |
< | < | < | Less than |
= | = | --- | Equals sign |
> | > | > | Greater than |
? | ? | --- | Question mark |
@ | @ | --- | Commercial at |
A | A | --- | Capital A |
B | B | --- | Capital B |
C | C | --- | Capital C |
D | D | --- | Capital D |
E | E | --- | Capital E |
F | F | --- | Capital F |
G | G | --- | Capital G |
H | H | --- | Capital H |
I | I | --- | Capital I |
J | J | --- | Capital J |
K | K | --- | Capital K |
L | L | --- | Capital L |
M | M | --- | Capital M |
N | N | --- | Capital N |
O | O | --- | Capital O |
P | P | --- | Capital P |
Q | Q | --- | Capital Q |
R | R | --- | Capital R |
S | S | --- | Capital S |
T | T | --- | Capital T |
U | U | --- | Capital U |
V | V | --- | Capital V |
W | W | --- | Capital W |
X | X | --- | Capital X |
Y | Y | --- | Capital Y |
Z | Z | --- | Capital Z |
[ | [ | --- | Left square bracket |
\ | \ | --- | Reverse solidus (backslash) |
] | ] | --- | Right square bracket |
^ | ^ | --- | Caret |
_ | _ | --- | Horizontal bar (underscore) |
` | ` | --- | Grave accent |
a | a | --- | Small a |
b | b | --- | Small b |
c | c | --- | Small c |
d | d | --- | Small d |
e | e | --- | Small e |
f | f | --- | Small f |
g | g | --- | Small g |
h | h | --- | Small h |
i | i | --- | Small i |
j | j | --- | Small j |
k | k | --- | Small k |
l | l | --- | Small l |
m | m | --- | Small m |
n | n | --- | Small n |
o | o | --- | Small o |
p | p | --- | Small p |
q | q | --- | Small q |
r | r | --- | Small r |
s | s | --- | Small s |
t | t | --- | Small t |
u | u | --- | Small u |
v | v | --- | Small v |
w | w | --- | Small w |
x | x | --- | Small x |
y | y | --- | Small y |
z | z | --- | Small z |
{ | { | --- | Left curly brace |
| | | | --- | Vertical bar |
} | } | --- | Right curly brace |
~ | ~ | --- | Tilde |
--- |  | --- | Unused |
  | | Nonbreaking space | |
¡ | ¡ | ¡ | Inverted exclamation |
¢ | ¢ | ¢ | Cent sign |
£ | £ | £ | Pound sterling |
¤ | ¤ | ¤ | General currency sign |
¥ | ¥ | ¥ | Yen sign |
¦ | ¦ | ¦ or &brkbar; | Broken vertical bar |
§ | § | § | Section sign |
¨ | ¨ | ¨ or ¨ | Diæresis / Umlaut |
© | © | © | Copyright |
ª | ª | ª | Feminine ordinal |
« | « | « | Left angle quote, guillemot left |
¬ | ¬ | Not sign | |
- | ­ | ­ | Soft hyphen |
® | ® | ® | Registered trademark |
¯ | ¯ | ¯ or &hibar; | Macron accent |
° | ° | ° | Degree sign |
± | ± | ± | Plus or minus |
² | ² | ² | Superscript two |
³ | ³ | ³ | Superscript three |
´ | ´ | ´ | Acute accent |
µ | µ | µ | Micro sign |
¶ | ¶ | Paragraph sign | |
• | · | · | Middle dot |
¸ | ¸ | ¸ | Cedilla |
¹ | ¹ | ¹ | Superscript one |
º | º | º | Masculine ordinal |
» | » | » | Right angle quote, guillemot right |
¼ | ¼ | ¼ | Fraction one-fourth |
½ | ½ | ½ | Fraction one-half |
¾ | ¾ | ¾ | Fraction three-fourths |
¿ | ¿ | ¿ | Inverted question mark |
À | À | À | Capital A, grave accent |
Á | Á | Á | Capital A, acute accent |
 |  |  | Capital A, circumflex |
à | à | à | Capital A, tilde |
Ä | Ä | Ä | Capital A, diæresis / umlaut |
Å | Å | Å | Capital A, ring |
Æ | Æ | Æ | Capital AE ligature |
Ç | Ç | Ç | Capital C, cedilla |
È | È | È | Capital E, grave accent |
É | É | É | Capital E, acute accent |
Ê | Ê | Ê | Capital E, circumflex |
Ë | Ë | Ë | Capital E, diæresis / umlaut |
Ì | Ì | Ì | Capital I, grave accent |
Í | Í | Í | Capital I, acute accent |
Î | Î | Î | Capital I, circumflex |
Ï | Ï | Ï | Capital I, diæresis / umlaut |
Ð | Ð | Ð | Capital Eth, Icelandic |
Ñ | Ñ | Ñ | Capital N, tilde |
Ò | Ò | Ò | Capital O, grave accent |
Ó | Ó | Ó | Capital O, acute accent |
Ô | Ô | Ô | Capital O, circumflex |
Õ | Õ | Õ | Capital O, tilde |
Ö | Ö | Ö | Capital O, diæresis / umlaut |
× | × | × | Multiply sign |
Ø | Ø | Ø | Capital O, slash |
Ù | Ù | Ù | Capital U, grave accent |
Ú | Ú | Ú | Capital U, acute accent |
Û | Û | Û | Capital U, circumflex |
Ü | Ü | Ü | Capital U, diæresis / umlaut |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Capital Y, acute accent |
Þ | Þ | Þ | Capital Thorn, Icelandic |
ß | ß | ß | Small sharp s, German sz |
à | à | à | Small a, grave accent |
á | á | á | Small a, acute accent |
â | â | â | Small a, circumflex |
ã | ã | ã | Small a, tilde |
ä | ä | ä | Small a, diæresis / umlaut |
å | å | å | Small a, ring |
æ | æ | æ | Small ae ligature |
ç | ç | ç | Small c, cedilla |
è | è | è | Small e, grave accent |
é | é | é | Small e, acute accent |
ê | ê | ê | Small e, circumflex |
ë | ë | ë | Small e, diæresis / umlaut |
ì | ì | ì | Small i, grave accent |
í | í | í | Small i, acute accent |
î | î | î | Small i, circumflex |
ï | ï | ï | Small i, diæresis / umlaut |
ð | ð | ð | Small eth, Icelandic |
ñ | ñ | ñ | Small n, tilde |
ò | ò | ò | Small o, grave accent |
ó | ó | ó | Small o, acute accent |
ô | ô | ô | Small o, circumflex |
õ | õ | õ | Small o, tilde |
ö | ö | ö | Small o, diæresis / umlaut |
÷ | ÷ | ÷ | Division sign |
ø | ø | ø | Small o, slash |
ù | ù | ù | Small u, grave accent |
ú | ú | ú | Small u, acute accent |
û | û | û | Small u, circumflex |
ü | ü | ü | Small u, diæresis / umlaut |
ý | ý | ý | Small y, acute accent |
þ | þ | þ | Small thorn, Icelandic |
ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | Small y, diæresis / umlaut |
Additional Named Entities for HTML
The following table contains additional named entities, their numeric character references, and a description of each. With the exception of the left and right-pointing brackets (〈 and 〉), these entities are rendered using Lucida sans Unicode.
Character | Named entity | Numeric character reference | Description |
Latin Extended-B | |||
ƒ | ƒ | ƒ | Latin small f with hook, =function, =florin, U0192 ISOtech |
Greek | |||
Α | Α | Α | Greek capital letter alpha, U0391 |
Β | Β | Β | Greek capital letter beta, U0392 |
Γ | Γ | Γ | Greek capital letter gamma, U0393 ISOgrk3 |
Δ | Δ | Δ | Greek capital letter delta, U0394 ISOgrk3 |
Ε | Ε | Ε | Greek capital letter epsilon, U0395 |
Ζ | Ζ | Ζ | Greek capital letter zeta, U0396 |
Η | Η | Η | Greek capital letter eta, U0397 |
Θ | Θ | Θ | Greek capital letter theta, U0398 ISOgrk3 |
Ι | Ι | Ι | Greek capital letter iota, U0399 |
Κ | Κ | Κ | Greek capital letter kappa, U039A |
Λ | Λ | Λ | Greek capital letter lambda, U039B ISOgrk3 |
Μ | Μ | Μ | Greek capital letter mu, U039C |
Ν | Ν | Ν | Greek capital letter nu, U039D |
Ξ | Ξ | Ξ | Greek capital letter xi, U039E ISOgrk3 |
Ο | Ο | Ο | Greek capital letter omicron, U039F |
Π | Π | Π | Greek capital letter pi, U03A0 ISOgrk3 |
Ρ | Ρ | Ρ | Greek capital letter rho, U03A1 |
Σ | Σ | Σ | Greek capital letter sigma, U03A3 ISOgrk3 |
Τ | Τ | Τ | Greek capital letter tau, U03A4 |
Υ | Υ | Υ | Greek capital letter upsilon, U03A5 ISOgrk3 |
Φ | Φ | Φ | Greek capital letter phi, U03A6 ISOgrk3 |
Χ | Χ | Χ | Greek capital letter chi, U03A7 |
Ψ | Ψ | Ψ | Greek capital letter psi, U03A8 ISOgrk3 |
Ω | Ω | Ω | Greek capital letter omega, U03A9 ISOgrk3 |
α | α | α | Greek small letter alpha, U03B1 ISOgrk3 |
β | β | β | Greek small letter beta, U03B2 ISOgrk3 |
γ | γ | γ | Greek small letter gamma, U03B3 ISOgrk3 |
δ | δ | δ | Greek small letter delta, U03B4 ISOgrk3 |
ε | ε | ε | Greek small letter epsilon, U03B5 ISOgrk3 |
ζ | ζ | ζ | Greek small letter zeta, U03B6 ISOgrk3 |
η | η | η | Greek small letter eta, U03B7 ISOgrk3 |
θ | θ | θ | Greek small letter theta, U03B8 ISOgrk3 |
ι | ι | ι | Greek small letter iota, U03B9 ISOgrk3 |
κ | κ | κ | Greek small letter kappa, U03BA ISOgrk3 |
λ | λ | λ | Greek small letter lambda, U03BB ISOgrk3 |
μ | μ | μ | Greek small letter mu, U03BC ISOgrk3 |
ν | ν | ν | Greek small letter nu, U03BD ISOgrk3 |
ξ | ξ | ξ | Greek small letter xi, U03BE ISOgrk3 |
ο | ο | ο | Greek small letter omicron, U03BF NEW |
π | π | π | Greek small letter pi, U03C0 ISOgrk3 |
ρ | ρ | ρ | Greek small letter rho, U03C1 ISOgrk3 |
ς | ς | ς | Greek small letter final sigma, U03C2 ISOgrk3 |
σ | σ | σ | Greek small letter sigma, U03C3 ISOgrk3 |
τ | τ | τ | Greek small letter tau, U03C4 ISOgrk3 |
υ | υ | υ | Greek small letter upsilon, U03C5 ISOgrk3 |
φ | φ | φ | Greek small letter phi, U03C6 ISOgrk3 |
χ | χ | χ | Greek small letter chi, U03C7 ISOgrk3 |
ψ | ψ | ψ | Greek small letter psi, U03C8 ISOgrk3 |
ω | ω | ω | Greek small letter omega, U03C9 ISOgrk3 |
θ | ϑ | ϑ | Greek small letter theta symbol, U03D1 NEW |
Υ | ϒ | ϒ | Greek upsilon with hook symbol, U03D2 NEW |
π | ϖ | ϖ | Greek pi symbol, U03D6 ISOgrk3 |
General Punctuation | |||
• | • | • | bullet, =black small circle, U2022 ISOpub |
… | … | … | horizontal ellipsis, =three dot leader, U2026 ISOpub |
′ | ′ | ′ | prime, =minutes, =feet, U2032 ISOtech |
′ | ″ | ″ | double prime, =seconds, =inches, U2033 ISOtech |
‾ | ‾ | ‾ | overline, =spacing overscore, U203E NEW |
⁄ | ⁄ | ⁄ | fraction slash, U2044 NEW |
Letterlike Symbols | |||
![]() |
℘ | ℘ | script capital P, =power set, =Weierstrass p, U2118 ISOamso |
![]() |
ℑ | ℑ | blackletter capital I, =imaginary part, U2111 ISOamso |
![]() |
ℜ | ℜ | blackletter capital R, =real part symbol, U211C ISOamso |
™ | ™ | ™ | trade mark sign, U2122 ISOnum |
![]() |
ℵ | ℵ | alef symbol, =first transfinite cardinal, U2135 NEW |
Arrows | |||
← | ← | leftward arrow, U2190 ISOnum | |
↑ | ↑ | ↑ | upward arrow, U2191 ISOnum |
→ | → | → | rightward arrow, U2192 ISOnum |
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | downward arrow, U2193 ISOnum |
↔ | ↔ | ↔ | left right arrow, U2194 ISOamsa |
![]() |
↵ | ↵ | downward arrow with corner leftward, =carriage return, U21B5 NEW |
![]() |
⇐ | ⇐ | leftward double arrow, U21D0 ISOtech |
![]() |
⇑ | ⇑ | upward double arrow, U21D1 ISOamsa |
![]() |
⇒ | ⇒ | rightward double arrow, U21D2 ISOtech |
![]() |
⇓ | ⇓ | downward double arrow, U21D3 ISOamsa |
![]() |
⇔ | ⇔ | left right double arrow, U21D4 ISOamsa |
Mathematical Operators | |||
∀ | ∀ | ∀ | for all, U2200 ISOtech |
∂ | ∂ | ∂ | partial differential, U2202 ISOtech |
∃ | ∃ | ∃ | there exists, U2203 ISOtech |
![]() |
∅ | ∅ | empty set, =null set, =diameter, U2205 ISOamso |
∇ | ∇ | ∇ | nabla, =backward difference, U2207 ISOtech |
∈ | ∈ | ∈ | element of, U2208 ISOtech |
![]() |
∉ | ∉ | not an element of, U2209 ISOtech |
∋ | ∋ | ∋ | contains as member, U220B ISOtech |
∏ | ∏ | ∏ | n-ary product, =product sign, U220F ISOamsb |
− | ∑ | − | n-ary sumation, U2211 ISOamsb |
− | − | − | minus sign, U2212 ISOtech |
![]() |
∗ | ∗ | asterisk operator, U2217 ISOtech |
√ | √ | √ | square root, =radical sign, U221A ISOtech |
∝ | ∝ | ∝ | proportional to, U221D ISOtech |
∞ | ∞ | ∞ | infinity, U221E ISOtech |
∠ | ∠ | ∠ | angle, U2220 ISOamso |
⊥ | ∧ | ⊥ | logical and, =wedge, U2227 ISOtech |
![]() |
∨ | ⊦ | logical or, =vee, U2228 ISOtech |
∩ | ∩ | ∩ | intersection, =cap, U2229 ISOtech |
∪ | ∪ | ∪ | union, =cup, U222A ISOtech |
∫ | ∫ | ∫ | integral, U222B ISOtech |
∴ | ∴ | ∴ | therefore, U2234 ISOtech |
∼ | ∼ | ∼ | tilde operator, =varies with, =similar to, U223C ISOtech |
![]() |
≅ | ≅ | approximately equal to, U2245 ISOtech |
![]() |
≈ | ≅ | almost equal to, =asymptotic to, U2248 ISOamsr |
≠ | ≠ | ≠ | not equal to, U2260 ISOtech |
≡ | ≡ | ≡ | identical to, U2261 ISOtech |
≤ | ≤ | ≤ | less-than or equal to, U2264 ISOtech |
≥ | ≥ | ≥ | greater-than or equal to, U2265 ISOtech |
⊂ | ⊂ | ⊂ | subset of, U2282 ISOtech |
⊃ | ⊃ | ⊃ | superset of, U2283 ISOtech |
![]() |
⊄ | ⊄ | not a subset of, U2284 ISOamsn |
⊆ | ⊆ | ⊆ | subset of or equal to, U2286 ISOtech |
⊇ | ⊇ | ⊇ | superset of or equal to, U2287 ISOtech |
⊕ | ⊕ | ⊕ | circled plus, =direct sum, U2295 ISOamsb |
![]() |
⊗ | ⊗ | circled times, =vector product, U2297 ISOamsb |
⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | up tack, =orthogonal to, =perpendicular, U22A5 ISOtech |
![]() |
⋅ | ⋅ | dot operator, U22C5 ISOamsb |
Miscellaneous Technical | |||
![]() |
⌈ | ⌈ | left ceiling, =apl upstile, U2308, ISOamsc |
![]() |
⌉ | ⌉ | right ceiling, U2309, ISOamsc |
![]() |
⌊ | ⌊ | left floor, =apl downstile, U230A, ISOamsc |
![]() |
⌋ | ⌋ | right floor, U230B, ISOamsc |
< | ⟨ | 〈 | left-pointing angle bracket, =bra, U2329 ISOtech |
> | ⟩ | 〉 | right-pointing angle bracket, =ket, U232A ISOtech |
Geometric Shapes | |||
◊ | ◊ | ◊ | lozenge, U25CA ISOpub |
Miscellaneous Symbols | |||
♠ | ♠ | ♠ | black spade suit, U2660 ISOpub |
♣ | ♣ | ♣ | black club suit, =shamrock, U2663 ISOpub |
♥ | ♥ | ♥ | black heart suit, =valentine, U2665 ISOpub |
![]() |
♦ | ♦ | black diamond suit, U2666 ISOpub |
Character Entities for Special Symbols and BIDI Text
Using NE | NE | NCR | Using NCR |
C0 Controls and Basic Latin | |||
" | " | " | quotation mark, =apl quote, U0022 ISOnum |
& | & | & | ampersand, U0026 ISOnum |
< | < | < | less-than sign, U003C ISOnum |
> | > | > | greater-than sign, U003E ISOnum |
Latin Extended-A | |||
Œ | &OElig | Œ | Latin capital ligature oe, U0152 ISOlat2 |
œ | &oelig | œ | Latin small ligature oe, U0153 ISOlat2 |
Š | &Scaron | Š | Latin capital letter s with caron, U0160 ISOlat2 |
š | &scaron | š | Latin small letter s with caron, U0161 ISOlat2 |
Ÿ | &Yuml | Ÿ | Latin capital letter y with diaeresis, U0178 ISOlat2 |
Spacing Modifier Letters | |||
ˆ | &circ | ˆ | modifier letter circumflex accent, U02C6 ISOpub |
˜ | &tilde | ˜ | small tilde, U02DC ISOdia |
General Punctuation | |||
&ensp |   | en space, U2002 ISOpub | |
&emsp |   | em space, U2003 ISOpub | |
&thinsp |   | thin space, U2009 ISOpub | |
| &zwnj | ‌ | zero width non-joiner, U200C NEW RFC 2070 |
| &zwj | ‍ | zero width joiner, U200D NEW RFC 2070 |
&lrm | ‎ | left-to-right mark, U200E NEW RFC 2070 | |
&rlm | ‏ | right-to-left mark, U200F NEW RFC 2070 | |
– | &ndash | – | en dash, U2013 ISOpub |
&mdash | — | em dash, U2014 ISOpub | |
‘ | &lsquo | ‘ | left single quotation mark, U2018 ISOnum |
’ | &rsquo | ’ | right single quotation mark, U2019 ISOnum |
‚ | &sbquo | ‚ | single low-9 quotation mark, U201A NEW |
“ | &ldquo | “ | left double quotation mark, U201C ISOnum |
” | &rdquo | ” | right double quotation mark, U201D ISOnum |
„ | &bdquo | „ | double low-9 quotation mark, U201E NEW |
† | &dagger | † | dagger, U2020 ISOpub |
† | &Dagger | ‡ | double dagger, U2021 ISOpub |
‰ | &permil | ‰ | per mille sign, U2030 ISOtech |
< | &lsaquo | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation mark, U2039 ISO proposed |
> | &rsaquo | › | single right-pointing angle quotation mark, U203A ISO proposed |
Microsoft Internet Explorer uses the character set specified for a document to determine how to translate the bytes in the document into characters on the screen or on paper. By default, Internet Explorer uses the character set specified in the HTTP content type returned by the server to determine this translation. If this parameter is not given, Internet Explorer uses the character set specified by the META element in the document. It uses the user's preferences if no META element is given.
You can use the META element to explicitly set the character set for a document. In this case, you set the HTTP-EQUIV= attribute to "Content-Type" and specify a character set identifier in the CONTENT= attribute. For example, the following META element identifies windows-1251 as the character set for the document.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=windows-1251">
As long as you place the META element before the BODY element, it affects the whole document, including the TITLE element. For clarity, it should appear as the first element after HEAD so that all readers know the encoding before the first element that can be displayed is parsed. Note that the META element applies to the document containing it. This means, for example, that a compound document (a document consisting of two or more documents in a set of frames) can use different character sets in different frames.
The following table contains information concerning the character sets supported by Internet Explorer 5. The information provided is:
- Display Name
— the name used to refer to the character set. - Preferred Charset ID
— the most common identifier used to set character sets in Internet Explorer. For example, in the previous code sample windows-1251 is the Charset ID. - Additional Aliases
— other identifiers that may be used to set character sets. - MLang Code Pages
— numeric value of the code pages used by the Internet Explorer MLang API. - Supported by Version
— the versions of Internet Explorer that support the listed character sets. -
Note CS indicates that the version of Internet Explorer must support complex scripts such as Arabic, Hebrew, or Thai.
Charsets in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
Display Name | Preferred Charset ID | Additional Aliases | MLang Code Page | Supported by Versions |
Arabic ASMO-708 | ASMO-708 | 708 | 4CS, 5 | |
Arabic (DOS) | DOS-720 | 720 | 4CS, 5 | |
Arabic (ISO) | iso-8859-6 | ISO_8859-6:1987, iso-ir-127, ISO_8859-6, ECMA-114, arabic, csISOLatinArabic | 28596 | 4CS, 5 |
Arabic (Windows) | windows-1256 | 1256 | 4CS, 5 | |
Baltic (ISO) | iso-8859-4 | csISOLatin4, iso-ir-110, ISO_8859-4, ISO_8859-4:1988, l4, latin4 | 28594 | 4, 5 |
Baltic (Windows) | Windows-1257 | 1257 | 4, 5 | |
Central European (DOS) | ibm852 | cp852 | 852 | 4, 5 |
Central European (ISO) | iso-8859-2 | csISOLatin2, iso-ir-101, iso8859-2, iso_8859-2, iso_8859-2:1987, l2, latin2 | 28592 | 3, 4, 5 |
Central European (Windows) | windows-1250 | x-cp1250 | 1250 | 3, 4, 5 |
Chinese Simplified (GB2312) | gb2312 | chinese, csGB2312, csISO58GB23128, GB2312, GBK, GB_2312-80, iso-ir-58 | 936 | 3, 4, 5 |
Chinese Simplified (HZ) | hz-gb-2312 | 52936 | 4, 5 | |
Chinese Traditional | big5 | csbig5, x-x-big5 | 950 | 3, 4, 5 |
Cyrillic (DOS) | cp866 | ibm866 | 866 | 4, 5 |
Cyrillic (ISO) | iso-8859-5 | csISOLatinCyrillic, cyrillic, iso-ir-144, ISO_8859-5, ISO_8859-5:1988 | 28595 | 4, 5 |
Cyrillic (KOI8-R) | koi8-r | csKOI8R, koi | 20866 | 3, 4, 5 |
Cyrillic (Windows) | windows-1251 | x-cp1251 | 1251 | 3, 4, 5 |
Greek (ISO) | iso-8859-7 | csISOLatinGreek, ECMA-118, ELOT_928, greek, greek8, iso-ir-126, ISO_8859-7, ISO_8859-7:1987 | 28597 | 3, 4, 5 |
Greek (Windows) | Windows-1253 | windows-1253 | 1253 | 5 |
Hebrew (DOS) | DOS-862 | 862 | 4CS, 5 | |
Hebrew (ISO) | iso-8859-8 | csISOLatinHebrew, hebrew, iso-ir-138, ISO_8859-8, visual, ISO-8859-8 Visual | 28598 | 4CS, 5 |
Hebrew (Windows) | windows-1255 | logical, ISO_8859-8:1988, iso-ir-138 | 1255 | 3CS, 4CS, 5 |
Japanese (JIS) | iso-2022-jp | csISO2022JP | 50220 | 4, 5 |
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1-byte Kana) | csISO2022JP | iso-2022-jp | 50221 | 4, 5 |
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1-byte Kana - SO/SI) | iso-2022-jp | csISO2022JP | 50222 | 3, 4, 5 |
Japanese (EUC) | euc-jp | csEUCPkdFmtJapanese, Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_ Format_for_Japanese, x-euc, x-euc-jp |
51932 | 3, 4, 5 |
Japanese (Shift-JIS) | shift_jis | csShiftJIS, csWindows31J, ms_Kanji, shift-jis, x-ms-cp932, x-sjis | 932 | 3, 4, 5 |
Korean | ks_c_5601-1987 | csKSC56011987, euc-kr, korean, ks_c_5601 | 949 | 3, 4, 5 |
Korean (ISO) | iso-2022-kr | csISO2022KR | 50225 | 3, 4, 5 |
Latin 3 (ISO) | iso-8859-3 | 28593 | 4, 5 | |
Thai (Windows) | iso-8859-11 | windows-874 | 874 | 3, 4, 5 |
Turkish (Windows) | Windows-1254 | windows-1254 | 1254 | 3, 4, 5 |
Turkish (ISO) | iso-8859-9 | csISOLatin5, ISO_8859-9, ISO_8859-9:1989, iso-ir-148, l5, latin5 | 28599 | 3, 4, 5 |
Ukrainian (KOI8-U) | koi8-u | 21866 | 4, 5 | |
Unicode (UTF-7) | utf-7 | csUnicode11UTF7, unicode-1-1-utf-7, x-unicode-2-0-utf-7 | 65000 | 4, 5 |
Unicode (UFT-8) | utf-8 | unicode-1-1-utf-8, unicode-2-0-utf-8, x-unicode-2-0-utf-8 | 65001 | 4, 5 |
Vietnamese (Windows) | windows-1258 | 1258 | 3, 4, 5 | |
Western European (Windows) | Windows-1252 | 1252 | 5 | |
Western European (ISO) | iso-8859-1 | ANSI_X3.4-1968, ANSI_X3.4-1986, ascii, cp367, cp819, csASCII, IBM367, ibm819, iso-ir-100, iso-ir-6, ISO646-US, iso8859-1, ISO_646.irv:1991, iso_8859-1, iso_8859-1:1987, latin1, us, us-ascii, x-ansi | 1252 | 3, 4, 5 |
Nonstandard Charsets with Special Meaning Inside Internet Explorer and MLang
These character sets are not to be used for labeling documents.
Display Name | Preferred Charset ID | Additional Aliases | MLang Code Page | Supported by Versions |
Japanese (Auto Select) | _autodetect | 50932 | 3, 4, 5 | |
Korean (Auto Select) | _autodetect_kr | 50949 | 4, 5 | |
Unicode | unicode | 1200 | 4, 5 | |
Unicode (BigEndian) | unicodeFEFF | 1201 | 4, 5 | |
User Defined | x-user-defined | 50000 | 4, 5 |