aliceblue (#F0F8FF) |
antiquewhite (#FAEBD7) |
aqua (#00FFFF) |
aquamarine (#7FFFD4) |
azure (#F0FFFF) |
beige (#F5F5DC) |
bisque (#FFE4C4) |
black (#000000) |
blanchedalmond (#FFEBCD) |
blue (#0000FF) |
blueviolet (#8A2BE2) |
brown (#A52A2A) |
burlywood (#DEB887) |
cadetblue (#5F9EA0) |
chartreuse (#7FFF00) |
chocolate (#D2691E) |
coral (#FF7F50) |
cornflower (#6495ED) |
cornsilk (#FFF8DC) |
crimson (#DC143C) |
cyan (#00FFFF) |
darkblue (#00008B) |
darkcyan (#008B8B) |
darkgoldenrod (#B8860B) |
darkgray (#A9A9A9) |
darkgreen (#006400) |
darkkhaki (#BDB76B) |
darkmagenta (#8B008B) |
darkolivegreen (#556B2F) |
darkorange (#FF8C00) |
darkorchid (#9932CC) |
darkred (#8B0000) |
darksalmon (#E9967A) |
darkseagreen (#8FBC8B) |
darkslateblue (#483D8B) |
darkslategray (#2F4F4F) |
darkturquoise (#00CED1) |
darkviolet (#9400D3) |
deeppink (#FF1493) |
deepskyblue (#00BFFF) |
dimgray (#696969) |
dodgerblue (#1E90FF) |
firebrick (#B22222) |
floralwhite (#FFFAF0) |
forestgreen (#228B22) |
fuchsia (#FF00FF) |
gainsboro (#DCDCDC) |
ghostwhite (#F8F8FF) |
gold (#FFD700) |
goldenrod (#DAA520) |
gray (#808080) |
green (#008000) |
greenyellow (#ADFF2F) |
honeydew (#F0FFF0) |
hotpink (#FF69B4) |
indianred (#CD5C5C) |
indigo (#4B0082) |
ivory (#FFFFF0) |
khaki (#F0E68C) |
lavender (#E6E6FA) |
lavenderblush (#FFF0F5) |
lawngreen (#7CFC00) |
lemonchiffon (#FFFACD) |
lightblue (#ADD8E6) |
lightcoral (#F08080) |
lightcyan (#E0FFFF) |
lightgoldenrodyellow (#FAFAD2) |
lightgreen (#90EE90) |
lightgray (#D3D3D3) |
lightpink (#FFB6C1) |
lightsalmon (#FFA07A) |
lightseagreen (#20B2AA) |
lightskyblue (#87CEFA) |
lightslategray (#778899) |
lightsteelblue (#B0C4DE) |
lightyellow (#FFFFE0) |
lime (#00FF00) |
limegreen (#32CD32) |
linen (#FAF0E6) |
magenta (#FF00FF) |
maroon (#800000) |
mediumaquamarine (#66CDAA) |
mediumblue (#0000CD) |
mediumorchid (#BA55D3) |
mediumpurple (#9370DB) |
mediumseagreen (#3CB371) |
mediumslateblue (#7B68EE) |
mediumspringgreen (#00FA9A) |
mediumturquoise (#48D1CC) |
mediumvioletred (#C71585) |
midnightblue (#191970) |
mintcream (#F5FFFA) |
mistyrose (#FFE4E1) |
moccasin (#FFE4B5) |
navajowhite (#FFDEAD) |
navy (#000080) |
oldlace (#FDF5E6) |
olive (#808000) |
olivedrab (#6B8E23) |
orange (#FFA500) |
orangered (#FF4500) |
orchid (#DA70D6) |
palegoldenrod (#EEE8AA) |
palegreen (#98FB98) |
paleturquoise (#AFEEEE) |
palevioletred (#DB7093) |
papayawhip (#FFEFD5) |
peachpuff (#FFDAB9) |
peru (#CD853F) |
pink (#FFC0CB) |
plum (#DDA0DD) |
powderblue (#B0E0E6) |
purple (#800080) |
red (#FF0000) |
rosybrown (#BC8F8F) |
royalblue (#4169E1) |
saddlebrown (#8B4513) |
salmon (#FA8072) |
sandybrown (#F4A460) |
seagreen (#2E8B57) |
seashell (#FFF5EE) |
sienna (#A0522D) |
silver (#C0C0C0) |
skyblue (#87CEEB) |
slateblue (#6A5ACD) |
slategray (#708090) |
snow (#FFFAFA) |
springgreen (#00FF7F) |
steelblue (#4682B4) |
tan (#D2B48C) |
teal (#008080) |
thistle (#D8BFD8) |
tomato (#FF6347) |
turquoise (#40E0D0) |
violet (#EE82EE) |
wheat (#F5DEB3) |
white (#FFFFFF) |
whitesmoke (#F5F5F5) |
yellow (#FFFF00) |
yellowgreen (#9ACD32) |
User-Defined System Colors
Microsoft Windows® maintains a set of system colors for painting various parts of the display. In addition to the colors defined in the color table, in Internet Explorer 4.0 and later these system colors may also be specified as color values in Web pages.
Users can set system colors for future Windows sessions using the Windows Control Panel. The following table illustrates how these color names correspond to the colors defined in the Control Panel.
Note The colors that do not correspond to any Control Panel colors can only be set programmatically using Windows APIs and cannot be defined by the user.
activeborder | activecaption | appworkspace | background |
buttonface | buttonhighlight | buttonshadow | buttontext |
captiontext | graytext | highlight | highlighttext |
inactiveborder | inactivecaption | inactivecaptiontext | infobackground |
infotext | menu | menutext | scrollbar |
threeddarkshadow | threedface | threedhighlight | threedlightshadow |
threedshadow | window | windowframe | windowtext |