Gets all the values in a set of configuration variables.
struct resbuf
ade_id var_id);
Returns a resbuf of name-value pairs or NULL.
var_id | Configuration variables ID. |
Configuration variables are composed of cleanup variables, cleanup action variables, and topology variables. The variables are initialized to their default values. For a list of these variables and their default values, see Configuration Variables.
The calling function must release the resbuf.
Each resbuf has this format:
variable name, (RTSTR) . value, (RTSTR, RTREAL, RTSHORT)
The following sample allocates a set of configuration variables using tpm_varalloc(), then populates a resbuf with name-value pairs associated with the current configuration variable set using tpm_varlist(). The contents of the resbuf are displayed, then the resbuf is released as required.
ade_id varId = tpm_varalloc(); struct resbuf* pConfigVarsRb = tpm_varlist(varId); if (NULL != pConfigVarsRb){ struct resbuf* rb = pConfigVarsRb; while(NULL != rb) { if (rb->restype == RTSTR) { acutPrintf( "\nThe \"%s\" property contained the value:" , rb->resval.rstring); if (NULL != (rb = rb->rbnext)) { switch(rb->restype) { case RTSTR: acutPrintf( " \"%s\"" , rb->resval.rstring); break; case RTREAL: acutPrintf( " %.2lf" , rb->resval.rreal); break; case RTSHORT: acutPrintf( " %d" , rb->resval.rint); break; default: break; } } } rb = rb->rbnext; } } else { acutPrintf( "\nThe configuration variable list could not been retrieved."); } acutRelRb(pConfigVarsRb);