The arrow buttons are for navigation.
Click to navigate down the tree. |
Click to navigate up the tree (toward AcMapSession). |
The chevron button links to more information.
Click to pop up a note. |
Not all classes are members of AutoCAD Map.
NamesInBlack |
AutoCAD Map ObjectARX classes. Click a class name to open its Help topic. |
NamesInBlue |
AutoCAD ObjectARX classes. Refer to AutoCAD ObjectARX Help. |
Containment is managed by functions of the containing classes. For example, AcMapSession contains an AcMapAliases object through the AcMapSession::GetAliases function, and AcMapAliases in turn contains one or more AcMapDriveAlias objects through the AcMapAliases::GetAlias function. AcMapAliases has other functions as well for managing containment: functions to add, count, remove, and so on.