AcMapIEExporter::SetExportDataMappings Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEExporter:: SetExportDataMappings Method

Sets the source-column and output-column data mappings for export.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode SetExportDataMappings(
    AcMapIEExpressionTargetIterator*& expTargetIter
) = 0;
Input export data mappings, as AcMapIEExpressionTargetIteratorexpression-target pairs.  

Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_OK if successful. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_ConflictWithKey if a target column has the same name as the unique key column; see UseUniqueKeyField(). Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if the process failed for some other reason.


The valid characters for column names are: a-z A-Z 0-9 . { } _ -. (Including accented and multibyte characters.) The dot and brace characters have special meaning and should be avoided except in special circumstances.

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