Information Included On Financial Statements
Financial statements can include as many columns of data as you need, and can contain the following account and other information:
- Current or historical balances for a single account or range of accounts.
- Net changes for a fiscal period, quarter, half-year, or year.
- Balances or net changes in functional currency or any of the source currencies defined in a multicurrency ledger.
- Balances or net changes in the reporting currency (if you specified the euro as your functional currency and selected a reporting currency in the Company Profile).
- Comparative figures from complete or to-date time periods.
- Budget figures from fiscal sets.
- Quantities.
- Company information, such as the name, address, telephone number, and company contact.
- The start and end dates of a given fiscal period.
- The exchange rate, given a particular currency, rate type, functional currency, and date.
Note: Accounts with zero balances are not included on the report.
You can select a variety of options for printing a financial statement, including:
- The fiscal year and period.
- Whether to print separate reports for each individual segment or account group, or a single consolidated report.
- Whether to include provisionally posted transactions and rollup amounts.
Data Selection Criteria
Financial Reporter not only gives you access to data, it allows you to select data at print time using a number of powerful features.
The first set of criteria you can use is in the report specification itself.
- You can restrict the accounts specified on a financial report by using
selection criteria.
For example, you can select only those accounts in a specified range that have ACCTTYPE="Income" AND ACTIVESW="Yes".
Alternatively, you can select only those accounts with a debit or credit balance.
- You can exclude report lines based on their contents.
For example, you could remove a line from your reports if the value in each column on the line is zero, or you could exclude a line if it represents less than 5% of the total of column G.
- You can use the FRPOST, FRTRN, FRTRNA, FRTRNDR, FRTRNCR commands to select by posted fields. For more information, see Financial Reporter Functions.
Consolidating Accounts
Financial Reporter lets you specify whether particular accounts or groups of accounts are listed separately, consolidated, or subtotaled whenever the value of a particular account segment changes.