About FR Drilldown
On the G/L Print Financial Statements and Statement Designer screens, you can select the DrillDown Information option to add drilldown link comments to the generated report.
Drilldown instructions are stored in the comment object of a cell. After generating a report, you can right-click a results cell, and then click FR DrillDown to view transaction details.
Note: The recipient of an e-mailed report must be using the same database, with General Ledger activated, if they want to drill down to underlying transactions in the report.
Warning! A spreadsheet containing a large number of drilldown links may be slow to open, or fail to open, in the Statement Designer and in Microsoft Excel.
When you use the Statement Designer to open a Microsoft Excel worksheet, an Add-Ins tab appears on the Excel ribbon. On this tab, the FR menu displays commands you can use to create and edit financial reports and specifications. The FR Drilldown command appears on this menu. You use it to view original transactions after a report has been generated in the Financial Statement Designer.
Note: You must use the FR View command to generate a report before you can use FR DrillDown.
FR DrillDown Example
The sample spreadsheet quickinc4.xls uses the transaction function FRTRNA to demonstrate drilldown. In the sample spreadsheet, the formula FRTRNA("NETYTD)" produces a statement of earnings with one column of figures showing current year-to-date results. The comment displayed explains how to drill down to the transaction.
To see how FR Drilldown works, perform the following steps in the sample spreadsheet quickinc4.xls:
- On the Excel ribbon, on the Add-Ins tab, click FR > FR View.
- Click OK to run FR View.
The report is generated. Results cells where FR DrillDown is available appear with a red mark in the top right corner of the cell.
- Right-click
a report cell, and then then click FR DrillDown.
The original transaction details appear in a new window.
Formulas that Support FR Drilldown
FR DrillDown works only with formulas that contain the following transaction functions:
FR DrillDown is not available for formulas that contain edited versions of the following transaction functions:
The following are examples of edited commands:
- =FRTRN("NETP")+100
For information about other menu commands in the Financial Statement Designer, see FR Menu Commands.