G/L Account Structures Screen

Sage 300 ERP

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G/L Account Structures Screen

Open General Ledger > G/L Setup >  Account Structures.

To include a segment in the selected structure code, click to select the segment in this pane, and then click Include.

This pane lists all segments that will appear in account numbers that use this account structure, in the order they will appear in the account numbers.

To exclude a segment that is currently included, click to select the segment in this pane, and then click Exclude.

This is a code of up to 6 letters or numbers that identifies which account segments are used in a particular account number, and the order of the account segments.

Use a code that identifies the use of the structure. For example, a structure for account numbers with only an account segment could be called ADMIN or COMPANY.

In the description field, enter a description of up to 60 characters that indicates the structure code's use, such as "Regional admin accounts" or "Departmentalized accounts." 

Select this option if you want to use this structure code as the default structure code for the company.


You use the Account Structures screen to define account structure codes that are used to format account numbers.

The structure specifies:

  • Which segments appear in the account number.
  • The order in which the segments appear.

You must assign an account structure to each account that you add to General Ledger. (You specify which account structure an account uses when you add the account using the G/L Accounts screen.)

For more information, see About Account Structures.

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