Serving Bazaar with Apache
This document describes one way to set up a Bazaar HTTP smart server, using Apache 2.0 and FastCGI or mod_python or mod_wsgi.
For more information on the smart server, and other ways to configure it see the main smart server documentation.
You have a webserver already publishing /srv/ as with plain HTTP. It contains bzr branches and directories like /srv/ and /srv/ You want to provide read-only smart server access to these directories in addition to the existing HTTP access.
Configuring Apache 2.0
First, configure mod_fastcgi, e.g. by adding lines like these to your httpd.conf:
LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi
In our example, we’re already serving /srv/ at, so our existing Apache configuration would look like:
Alias /code /srv/ <Directory /srv/> Options Indexes # ... </Directory>
We need to change it to handle all requests for URLs ending in .bzr/smart. It will look like:
Alias /code /srv/ <Directory /srv/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /code RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/ </Directory> # bzr-smart.fcgi isn't under the DocumentRoot, so Alias it into the URL # namespace so it can be executed. Alias /srv/ /srv/ <Directory /srv/> Options ExecCGI <Files bzr-smart.fcgi> SetHandler fastcgi-script </Files> </Directory>
This instructs Apache to hand requests for any URL ending with /.bzr/smart inside /code to a Bazaar smart server via FastCGI.
Refer to the mod_rewrite and mod_fastcgi documentation for further information.
First, configure mod_python, e.g. by adding lines like these to your httpd.conf:
LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
Define the rewrite rules with mod_rewrite the same way as for FastCGI, except change:
RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/
RewriteRule ^(.*/|)\.bzr/smart$ /srv/
Like with mod_fastcgi, we also define how our script is to be handled:
Alias /srv/ /srv/ <Directory /srv/> <Files> PythonPath "sys.path+['/srv/']" AddHandler python-program .py PythonHandler bzr-smart::handler </Files> </Directory>
This instructs Apache to hand requests for any URL ending with /.bzr/smart inside /code to a Bazaar smart server via mod_python.
NOTE: If you don’t have bzrlib in your PATH, you will be need to change the following line:
PythonPath "sys.path+['/srv/']"
PythonPath "['/path/to/bzr']+sys.path+['/srv/']"
Refer to the mod_python documentation for further information.
First, configure mod_wsgi, e.g. enabling the mod with a2enmod wsgi. We need to change it to handle all requests for URLs ending in .bzr/smart. It will look like:
WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/code/.*/\.bzr/smart$ /srv/ #The three next lines allow regular GETs to work too RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/code/.*/\.bzr/smart$ RewriteRule ^/code/(.*/\.bzr/.*)$ /srv/$1 [L] <Directory /srv/> WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} </Directory>
This instructs Apache to hand requests for any URL ending with /.bzr/smart inside /code to a Bazaar smart server via WSGI, and any other URL inside /code to be served directly by Apache.
Refer to the mod_wsgi documentation for further information.
Configuring Bazaar
We’ve configured Apache to run the smart server at /srv/ This is just a simple script we need to write to configure a smart server, and glue it to the FastCGI gateway. Here’s what it looks like:
import fcgi
from bzrlib.transport.http import wsgi
smart_server_app = wsgi.make_app(
The fcgi module can be found at It is part of flup.
We’ve configured Apache to run the smart server at /srv/ This is just a simple script we need to write to configure a smart server, and glue it to the mod_python gateway. Here’s what it looks like:
import modpywsgi
from bzrlib.transport.http import wsgi
smart_server_app = wsgi.make_app(
def handler(request):
"""Handle a single request."""
wsgi_server = modpywsgi.WSGIServer(smart_server_app)
The modpywsgi module can be found at It was part of pocoo. You sould make sure you place in the same directory as (ie. /srv/
We’ve configured Apache to run the smart server at /srv/ This is just a simple script we need to write to configure a smart server, and glue it to the WSGI gateway. Here’s what it looks like:
from bzrlib.transport.http import wsgi
def application(environ, start_response):
app = wsgi.make_app(
return app(environ, start_response)
Now you can use bzr+http:// URLs or just http:// URLs, e.g.:
bzr log bzr+
Plain HTTP access should continue to work:
bzr log
Advanced configuration
Because the Bazaar HTTP smart server is a WSGI application, it can be used with any 3rd-party WSGI middleware or server that conforms the WSGI standard. The only requirements are:
- to construct a SmartWSGIApp, you need to specify a root transport that it will serve.
- each request’s environ dict must have a ‘bzrlib.relpath’ variable set.
The make_app helper used in the example constructs a SmartWSGIApp with a transport based on the root path given to it, and calculates the ‘bzrlib.relpath` for each request based on the prefix and path_var arguments. In the example above, it will take the ‘REQUEST_URI’ (which is set by Apache), strip the ‘/code/’ prefix and the ‘/.bzr/smart’ suffix, and set that as the ‘bzrlib.relpath’, so that a request for ‘/code/foo/bar/.bzr/smart’ will result in a ‘bzrlib.relpath’ of ‘foo/bzr’.
It’s possible to configure a smart server for a non-local transport, or that does arbitrary path translations, etc, by constructing a SmartWSGIApp directly. Refer to the docstrings of bzrlib.transport.http.wsgi and the WSGI standard for further information.
Pushing over the http smart server
It is possible to allow pushing data over the http smart server. The easiest way to do this, is to just supply readonly=False to the wsgi.make_app() call. But be careful, because the smart protocol does not contain any Authentication. So if you enable write support, you will want to restrict access to .bzr/smart URLs to restrict who can actually write data on your system, e.g. in apache it looks like:
<Location /code> AuthType Basic AuthName "example" AuthUserFile /srv/ <LimitExcept GET> Require valid-user </LimitExcept> </Location>
At this time, it is not possible to allow some people to have read-only access and others to have read-write access to the same urls. Because at the HTTP layer (which is doing the Authenticating), everything is just a POST request. However, it would certainly be possible to have HTTPS require authentication and use a writable server, and plain HTTP allow read-only access.
If bzr gives an error like this when accessing your HTTPS site:
bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (server certificate verification failed. CAfile:/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none)
You can workaround it by using https+urllib rather than http in your URL, or by uninstalling pycurl. See bug 82086 for more details.