bzr 0.0.9
bzr 0.0.9
Bug Fixes
- Fixed “branch -r” option.
- Fix remote access to branches containing non-compressed history.
(Robert Collins).
- Better reliability of http server tests. (John Arbash-Meinel)
- Merge graph maximum distance calculation fix. (Aaron Bentley)
- Various minor bug in windows support have been fixed, largely in the
test suite. Contributed by Alexander Belchenko.
- Status now accepts a -r argument to give status between chosen
revisions. Contributed by Heikki Paajanen.
- Revision arguments no longer use +/-/= to control ranges, instead
there is a ‘before’ namespace, which limits the successive namespace.
For example ‘$ bzr log -r date:yesterday..before:date:today’ will
select everything from yesterday and before today. Contributed by
Robey Pointer
- There is now a bzr.bat file created by distutils when building on
Windows. Contributed by Alexander Belchenko.
- Removed uuid() as it was unused.
- Improved ‘fetch’ code for pulling revisions from one branch into
another (used by pull, merged, etc.)