Environment Variables


Environment Variables

BZRPATH Path where bzr is to look for shell plugin external commands.
BZR_EMAIL E-Mail address of the user. Overrides EMAIL.
EMAIL E-Mail address of the user.
BZR_EDITOR Editor for editing commit messages. Overrides EDITOR.
EDITOR Editor for editing commit messages.
BZR_PLUGIN_PATH Paths where bzr should look for plugins.
BZR_HOME Directory holding .bazaar config dir. Overrides HOME.
BZR_HOME (Win32) Directory holding bazaar config dir. Overrides APPDATA and HOME.
BZR_REMOTE_PATH Full name of remote ‘bzr’ command (for bzr+ssh:// URLs).
BZR_SSH Path to SSH client, or one of paramiko, openssh, sshcorp, plink.
BZR_LOG Location of .bzr.log (use ‘/dev/null’ to suppress log).
BZR_LOG (Win32) Location of .bzr.log (use ‘NUL’ to suppress log).
BZR_COLUMNS Override implicit terminal width.
BZR_CONCURRENCY Number of processes that can be run concurrently (selftest).