Using Tunnel Profiles to Secure VT Sessions
When you create a Secure Shell-enabled VT session profile in HostExplorer, you have to provide the parameters necessary to establish a Secure Shell tunnel to the target host. To do so, you have the option of calling the parameters from a Connectivity Secure Shell tunnel profile instead of specifying them directly as described in the previous procedure.
Connectivity Secure Shell tunnel profiles contain all the parameters necessary to start and configure a Secure Shell tunnel. When you create your HostExplorer profile, you can configure it to call the necessary connection parameters from the tunnel profile of your choice. You can create tunnel profiles with Connectivity Secure Shell before hand, and then select one to be used for your VT session, or you can create them on the fly while you configure your HostExplorer VT session profile.
To create a Secure Shell-enabled VT session profile:
- In the HostExplorer Open Session dialog box, use the Folder drop-down list to specify a location for the new session profile, and then click the Create New Profile button. The New Profile dialog box opens.
- In the Profile Name box, type a name for the new profile. This name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |
- In the Profile Type drop-down list, select VT Display.
- If you have created a theme, you can select it from the Theme drop-down list. For more information on creating themes, see HostExplorer help.
- In the Connect By drop-down list, select Secure Shell.
- To specify the tunnel profile you want to use to establish the Secure Shell tunnel for the terminal session, do one of the following:
Tip: After you specify the tunnel, you can view the Secure Shell Connection settings by clicking Properties. The Host Name, Port, User Name, Authentication and X11 settings displayed are those called from the tunnel profile you specified. If you modify the parameters, they are saved in the HostExplorer profile as tunnel parameter overrides.
- Type the name of the tunnel profile (profilename.csp) into the Tunnel Profile box.
- Click the Browse Tunnel Profiles button to select from a list of your tunnel profiles, and then click Open.
- If you have not yet created a tunnel profile, you can click the Browse Tunnel Profiles button, and then click the Add New Tunnel button in the Open Tunnel dialog box. For more information on creating a Tunnel profile, see Creating Tunnel Profiles.
- Click OK. The new HostExplorer session profile appears in the Open Session dialog box.