Securing Hummingbird FTP Sessions
Securing an FTP session requires that you create an FTP session profile in Hummingbird FTP that specifies Secure Shell as the security method. For Connectivity Secure Shell to establish a Secure Shell tunnel to the target host of the FTP session, it also requires that you specify certain connection parameters including:
- host address
- user name
- authentication method
- authentication method parameters such as a password or key
When you configure an FTP profile to use Secure Shell, all parameters used to establish the Secure Shell tunnel are stored in the FTP profile.
Using Tunnel Profiles to Secure FTP Sessions
Instead of specifying the connection parameters explicitly when you create a Secure Shell-enabled FTP session profile, you also have the option of specifying these parameters by associating a tunnel profile with your FTP profile. Tunnel profiles contain all the connection parameters needed to establish the Secure Shell tunnel to the remote host.
You can also do a combination of both. That is, in the FTP profile, you can specify a tunnel profile from which to load the necessary parameters. Then, in the same FTP profile, you can specify and save parameters that override some of those loaded from the specified tunnel profile.
When you launch a Secure Shell-enabled FTP session, Hummingbird FTP uses a combination of the original parameters in the tunnel profile and the Secure Shell parameter overrides stored in the FTP session profile.
Creating Secure Shell-Enabled FTP Profiles