Creating Secure Shell-Enabled VT Session Profiles
The New Profile dialog box lets you specify all the parameters required to start a Secure Shell-enabled VT session with default tunnel settings. If you want to customize these settings, you can also access the session profile properties.
To create a Secure Shell-enabled VT session profile:
- In the HostExplorer Open Session dialog box, use the Folder drop-down list to specify a location for the new session profile, and then click the Create New Profile button. The New Profile dialog box opens.
- In the Profile Name box, type a name for the new profile. This name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |
- In the Profile Type drop-down list, select VT Display.
- If you have created a theme, you can select it from the Theme drop-down list. For more information on creating themes, see HostExplorer help.
- In the Connect By drop-down list, select Secure Shell.
- In the Host Name box specify the name of the host to which you want to connect.
- Enable the Connect option if you want the session to start automatically after you create the profile.
- At this point, you have provided the minimum requirements to establish a Secure Shell tunnel to the remote host. This configuration uses default settings. To view or customize the default settings, continue with this procedure. Otherwise, click OK.
- Click Properties to access the Secure Shell options in the Session Profile dialog box.
- The Secure Shell page is displayed in the right pane. Specify the following connection parameters:
Tip: If you specified a tunnel profile, these boxes are populated with the parameters specified in the tunnel profile. Any changes you make to the parameters will be saved in the HostExplorer profile as tunnel parameter overrides.
- Host Name—Specify a new IP address or fully qualified domain name of a Secure Shell server host to which you want the tunnel to connect.
- Port—Specify the host port to which the tunnel will connect.
- User Name—Specify your login name for the host specified above. This name is used for authentication.
- Authentication—Click the Authentication Settings button to select the type of authentication you want to use to identify yourself to the remote host. For more information on configuring authentication, see Authentication.
- Enable X11 Port Forwarding—Select this option if you want to use the Secure Shell tunnel to secure X11 sessions. If you do not select this option, you cannot start an X11 session in HostExplorer unless you have configured the DISPLAY properly, and have launched Exceed on your workstation.
- Click OK. The new HostExplorer session profile appears in the Open Session dialog box.
Using Tunnel Profiles to Secure VT Sessions