Texture Filtering
Texture Filtering | Texture FilteringOne of the most important methods to improve image quality. It happens several types:
1. Pt sample - rather than type of filtration, and its absence. The texture is split up into boxes - not the most pleasant sight.
2. Bilinear Filtering is used to suppress the effect of the squares. Color of the four neighboring pixels are averaged, then two of the current unit and two of the neighboring, and so on. The squares disappear, but the picture blurred.
3. Trilinear Filtering is designed to improve the image sharpness and smooth transitions between mip-levels, working on their borders.
4. Anisotropic Filtering - removes the effect of motion blur caused by the bilinear filtration, returns the texture acutance. Requires large computational cost, but the effect is very noticeable.
the best effect is achieved by the simultaneous operation of all three types of filtration.