


Pipeline | Conveyor
Step-by-step method of rendering 3D graphics (rasterization). Its name was due to the fact that the output of each step (stage) are the input for the next.

1. Transformation. This stage begins to vertex conveyor, where the processing unit is the top of the (point in the �������� space). A set of vertices, forming a three-dimensional object is transferred from model space in the world, and then in the species, where the beginning of the coordinates is the position of the camera (these two conversions are usually combined into one). The peaks of the transferred promising matrix into the space of amputation. In the programmable pipeline stage of transformation is made in the ��������� �������.
2. Amputation. The invisible top (outside the pyramid of Visibility) is discarded and not transferred further.
3. Normalization. From the amputation of the vertices into normalized device coordinates (NDC) - that is, in fact, in the two-dimensional coordinates on the on-screen a plane + Z coordinate, indicating the depth of the screen on the plane.
4. Dithering. The set of points is used to rasterize polygons (usually triangles) according to the rules of building the ribs. In the programmable pipeline these rules can be configured in a geometrical �������. Also at this stage, the interpolation of the vertex attributes (color, normal, texture coordinates, etc.) on the surface of the polygon. Is perspective correction texture coordinates. From this moment begins the pixel pipeline - the data is processed pixel.
5. Calculation of the color. In the programmable pipeline the resulting pixel color is calculated in the ����������� �������. At this stage, the calculated the pixelwise lighting, texturing, terrain, reflection, shadows, transparency and other effects. As input used interpolated vertex attributes, as well as the texture.
6. Checking the depth. Before you write a pixel in the frame buffer may be depth (depth test). The Z coordinate of the pixel is compared with the corresponding depth in the Z-buffer. If it is less than, the pixel should be ���������, if not - has been ignored.
7. Mixing. The color of the pixels can according to the specified rules mixed with the already present color in a buffer frame. The total value is written to the buffer.

It should also be taken into account that your conveyor, there are the second most common method of 3D-rendering - tracing. It is more simple and intuitive and operates mainly rays. Sets of vertices are only used for determining the beam, the depth buffer no, and perspective projection is performed by calculating the starting direction of rays for each pixel of the image. The final pixel color is calculated similar to the shader ����������� manner.