Shading model
Shading model | Lighting ModelThe method of calculating light polygons. In the real time most prevalent received three lighting models:
- Flat (flat)
- On the ���� (Gouraud)
- The ����� (Phong)
When the light flat polygons as a stand (this is due to the calculation of the same color for each pixel on the edge), so when applying the fill a polygon will appear to be continuous.
The ���� and ����� give a smooth gradation of chiaroscuro. In the model of ���� lighting ���������� is calculated, the model ����� - pixel.
There is also a variety of other models of light, which in recent years have become widespread in 3D games and offline rendering: �����-Phong, the Cook Torrance, Ward, Torrance-�������, lafortune, etc. Many of them are quite accurate approximation to the real physics of light. In the terminology of optics the most close to the lighting model concept - BRDF (dual beam function of reflectivity).