Basics of Xtreme3D


Lesson 1
Basics of Xtreme3D. The theory of

Level: Beginner
Version of the Xtreme3D: 3.0.x
Author: Gecko

So, what is Xtreme3D?
First of all, this scene. The stage on which the play "actors" - the objects. The object - the main concept in the Xtreme3D. This is not the same as the object of Game Maker. Objects of Xtreme3D created and managed solely in the software code. The three-dimensional models, entities, special effects, the sky in the background, pictures and text on the screen - all this objects. The objects of any type are controlled, in most cases, by the same means.

One of them is the hierarchy. Any object can have one or more subordinate objects - "the descendants". Is it becomes their "parent" (without the quotes). The descendants, in turn, may have their own descendants, and so on. On this principle and builds the whole scene. What are the benefits? For example, if you disable any object (it will be invisible on the screen), all his descendants (and, accordingly, the descendants of the descendants of the default) will also be disabled. In this case, you can include any of the descendants, and this will not affect the parent. This "inheritance" - the most obvious from the features of the hierarchy. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. The descendants of the object can inherit not only his condition, but also a number of other characteristics. For example, the object becomes tied to its parent - where a parent, offspring. The descendant can move at any distance, but only concerning the location of its parent. It is easier to understand, imagine a steamship: passengers can move freely on the deck or stand on the spot, but all of them, as a matter of fact, moving along with the steamship.

Thus, we gradually come to the displacement. In computer graphics any movements, rotation, and scale are combined under the general term "transformation". The transformation of the Xtreme3D is carried out by three mutually perpendicular to the coordinate axes: X, Y, and Z. The X axis is directed to the right, the Y axis is up, and the Z-axis - "in depth". This is a coordinate system is called the Cartesian rectangular, on behalf of the French mathematician Rene Descartes. The location of any point in the coordinate system is defined by three of its projections on the axle. For example, points (-1.0,-1), (-1,0,1), (1,0,1) and (1,0,-1) form a square 2x2, which lies on the XY plane. Thus, any object of Xtreme3D has three coordinates, describing the point of his position in space. Usually this point coincides with its own center of the object. The position of the object in space can be transferred on the absolute start coordinates scene (0,0,0), or on the coordinates of its parent, if there is one. In the second case referred to the so-called local coordinates of an object in which the point (0,0,0) the descendant is always the point of the provisions of the parent.

Moving an object is carried out by means of the vector. Vector - this segment, directed from the point (0,0,0), in local or absolute coordinates, to any other arbitrary point in the same coordinates and describes the coordinates of the point. The object can be moved to any distance to the side, which shows the vector. For example, vector (0,10,0) moves the object on the ten units of up.
But, since it was not always easy to manually calculate the vector for the desired direction of travel, used in the corners of the Eulerian model (named by the name of Leonard Euler, the Swiss scholar). They define the angle of rotation of the object around its local axes X, Y and Z. The zero angle is perpendicular to the axis. Rotate around the X-axis is called the pitch, around the Y-axis, Turn around the axis of Z - Roll. It is not difficult to guess that, for example, the angle (90,0,0) tips the object back to 90 degrees.
Received as a result of these turns of the Transformation determines the direction of the object (Direction), which also describes a single vector. The unit vector is different from the normal that its length equals one (for the vector describing the direction, the length does not matter). For example, vector directions (0,1,0) corresponds to the corner (90,0,0).
Thus, we get another characteristic of the object - its direction.

Moving an object in his direction is accomplished by multiplying the vector of the direction at a distance of displacement:

(0, 0, 1) * 10 = (0, 0, 10)
(1, -1, 1) * 10 = (10, 10, 10)

And, as a result, we get a new object coordinates (relative to the previous).

In addition to the vector of Direction, an object is also automatically calculated vectors Up and Left, indicating, respectively, up and to the left on the direction. These three mutually perpendicular vectors form a new coordinate system (Left = X, Up = Y Direction = Z), which they inherit all descendants of the object. For the descendant, it becomes the local and all of its transformation are specified in it. Is the following: if we create a descendant of the object and move it to some distance away, when the parent of the descendant will rotate around it, as the earth revolves around the sun! This is an incredibly useful property of the hierarchy. As you will soon make sure that it is used in the Xtreme3D literally every step of the way.

The third is the transformation - scale. It changes the size of the object on three axes (the width, height, length). You can scale on the current value of the scale or completely (to set a specific size in absolute units). Also scaled and coordinate system, The ����������� descendants of the object. That is, the descendant will not only be reduced, but also close to the parent, as if we reduce the whole system of objects. Strictly speaking, the parent+descendants - this is the system objects. It can be considered as one big object, consisting of separate logically grouped items.

Thus, all of the objects in our scene, there are certain mathematical patterns. If you are aware of these patterns, explore the Xtreme3D will be easy.