Shader | ShaderThe firmware for one of the stages of the graphics conveyor, used to determine the final parameters of an object or image. It may include arbitrary complexity of the description of the absorption and scattering of light, texture overlay, reflection and refraction, shading, offset surfaces and the effects of post-processing.
Currently, shaders are divided into four types: Vertex, geometry, The ����������� (pixel) and computing.
Vertex Shaders (Vertex Shader)
Vertex Shader operates with the data, with vms with vertices polyhedra. To such data, in particular, the coordinates of the vertices in space, texture coordinates, the tangent-vector, normal vectors and ���������. Vertex shader can be used for species and future transformation of vertices, generate texture coordinates, a simple calculation of lighting, etc.
The geometry shaders Geometry shader)
The Geometry shader, in contrast to the vertex, is able to handle not only one peak, but also the whole entity. This can be a piece of (two peaks) and the triangle (three tops), and if the information about the related tops (adjacency) can be processed up to six vertices of the triangle for the entity. In addition the geometry shader can generate entities "on the fly", without using the central processor.
����������� (pixel) shaders (Fragment Shader)
����������� shader works with the fragments of the image. Under the image fragment in this case refers to the pixel, which put in a line some set of attributes, such as color, depth, texture coordinates. ����������� shader used on the last stage of the graphics pipeline for the formation of the pixel of the image.
The Compute shaders (Compute Shader)
Fully universal shader by which it is possible to carry out arbitrary computations on the GPU not related directly to the rastering polygons. �������� computing are available for reading and writing data into the memory, which can then be used in the process of rendering.
There are three main groups of programming languages for the GPU.
The first group includes the languages used when rendering images and animation in areas such as film, television, industrial design and architectural rendering:
RenderMan Shading Language (RSL) - developed and used by the studio Pixar. Is the de facto standard in professional rendering.
Open Shading Language (OSL) - designed Sony Pictures Imageworks for rendering engine Arnold, however, supported and in many other render engines. Focuses on the rendering using ray tracing, is intended to describe the BSDF - ���������� functions of surface scattering the.
Gelato - developed by nVidia. Represents a hybrid system image rendering and animation that uses for the calculation of the central processors and hardware capabilities of professional series graphics cards Quadro FX.
Vector Expressions (VEX) - developed Side Effects Software as part of a package of Houdini. Is the analogue of RenderMan.
The second group includes the languages, providing access to the computing capabilities of the graphics card when rendering in real time. They are widely used in the development of computer games and other multimedia applications.
Low-level language ��������� OpenGL (ARB) - the syntax is similar to the �����������. Is available in the form of extensions of ARB_vertex_program, ARB_fragment_program. Is the approved industry standard.
The OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) - a high-level language ��������� OpenGL. Based on the syntax of the ANSI C. The Majority of C has been saved, the added vector and matrix data types that are often used when working with 3D graphics. In the context of the GLSL shader is called regardless ������������� unit, written in this language. The program is a set of compiled shaders are associated together.
Initially, GLSL 1.10 was available in the form of a set of extensions of GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_ARB_shader_objects. Starting with the OpenGL 2.0, became part of the standard.
With the release of OpenGL 3.3, the GLSL is changing the numbering of the versions. Now, the version number of the GLSL corresponds to the version of OpenGL.
With the for graphics (CG) - a high-level ��������� language, developed by nVidia , jointly with Microsoft (a similar language from Microsoft - The Hlsl is part of DirectX 9 and 10). Works with both OpenGL and DirectX supports various software and hardware platform.
Based on C, uses similar data types. Supported by the functions and structure. Includes a kind of optimization in the form of packed arrays (packed arrays - The announcement of the "float a[4]" and "float4" in it correspond to the different types. The second announcement, and there is a packed array, which are faster than normal.
Currently, Cg has already practically is not used, fully ����������� HLSL and the GLSL.
Low-level language ��������� DirectX DirectX (ASM), the syntax is similar to the �����������. There are several versions, differing on a set of commands, as well as on the required equipment.
High Level Shader Language (HLSL) - a high-level language ��������� DirectX (also supported by the game consoles Xbox and Xbox 360). Is the superstructure over DirectX ASM. The syntax is similar to C, allows the use of the structure and function.
The third group of languages of broad specialization, intended mainly for scientific computing. They effectively use multi-core CPU and GPGPU Support to expedite the processing of large data sets.
Sh - a high-level programming language for GPU, included in a subset of the language C++. It was initially developed by a group RapidMind (which later became part of Intel), currently is licensed under the GNU LGPL and is supported by the community.
Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is a technology developed by NVIDIA for parallel computing on graphics cards GeForce (8 and older), Quadro and Tesla. CUDA uses specialized language version C with a set of instructions for the GPU.
OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a cross-platform equivalent CUDA, independent of hardware computing API with your own C-like programming language. OpenCL specification is currently being developed by a consortium of Kronos Group in parallel with OpenGL - there is the possibility of interaction between the ���� two API.
BrookGPU - project at Stanford University. Originally emerged as a language for programming streaming architectures. Is a C-like language, which added the data type is an array of special form ("Thread" in the terminology of the language). In 2004, got his realization for graphics processors.