The entities


Lesson 6
The entities

Level: Beginner
Version of the Xtreme3D: 3.0.x
Author: Gecko

Primitives are commonly referred to as either the simplest objects that can draw a GPU (point, segment, triangle), or geometric body, embedded in the graphical engine. In the Xtreme3D uses the second meaning of this term. The solids-���������� include plane (plane), cube (cube), the sphere (sphere), the cylinder (cylinder), cone (cone), a hollow cylinder (annulus), Thor (torus), the disk (disk), a truncated pyramid (frustrum), the dodecahedron dodecahedron (), �������� (icosahedron) and the kettle Utah (teapot). In the previous lessons we have already created some of them. Let's get acquainted with primitives closer.

Plane. The rectangular plane. In the Xtreme3D a plane can be represented by one rectangle (������), or divided into a grid of ������. The second option is preferable, if you create a great plane of Earth, as in this case, it turns out a better vertex lighting (however, when using pixel-by-pixel detail light plane of special significance, as a rule, does not have). Note that the number of ������ affects the recurrence of the textures on the plane (One quad is one ���� textures). The plane creates a function of

Cube. The cube. Strictly speaking, this is not necessarily a cube and any rectangular parallelepiped. A function of the CubeCreate.

Sphere. The scope. A function of the SphereCreate.

Cylinder. The cylinder. A function of the CylinderCreate.

Cone. The cone. A function of the ConeCreate.

Annulus. A hollow cylinder (ring). A function of the AnnulusCreate.

Torus. Thor (the body which resembles a donut). A function of the TorusCreate.

Disk. The disc. A function of the DiskCreate.

Frustum. A truncated pyramid. A function of the FrustrumCreate.

Dodecahedron. A dodecahedron - a polyhedron, compiled from 12 correct ��������������. A function of the DodecahedronCreate.

Icosahedron. �������� - a polyhedron, compiled from 20 �������������� triangles. A function of the IcosahedronCreate.

Teapot. The kettle Utah. You can read more about this model in the glossary. A function of the TeapotCreate.