libtonc: tonc_video.h File Reference


tonc_video.h File Reference

#include "tonc_memmap.h" #include "tonc_memdef.h"
#include "tonc_core.h"

mode 3

#define M3_CLEAR()   memset32(vid_mem, 0, M3_SIZE/4)
 Fill the mode 3 background with color clr.
INLINE void m3_fill (COLOR clr)
 Fill the mode 3 background with color clr.
INLINE void m3_plot (int x, int y, COLOR clr)
 Plot a single clr colored pixel in mode 3 at (x, y).
INLINE void m3_hline (int x1, int y, int x2, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored horizontal line in mode 3.
INLINE void m3_vline (int x, int y1, int y2, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored vertical line in mode 3.
INLINE void m3_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored line in mode 3.
INLINE void m3_rect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored rectangle in mode 3.
INLINE void m3_frame (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored frame in mode 3.

mode 4

#define M4_CLEAR()   memset32(vid_page, 0, M4_SIZE/4)
 Fill the current mode 4 backbuffer with clrid.
INLINE void m4_fill (u8 clrid)
 Fill the current mode 4 backbuffer with clrid.
INLINE void m4_plot (int x, int y, u8 clrid)
 Plot a clrid pixel on the current mode 4 backbuffer.
INLINE void m4_hline (int x1, int y, int x2, u8 clrid)
 Draw a clrid colored horizontal line in mode 4.
INLINE void m4_vline (int x, int y1, int y2, u8 clrid)
 Draw a clrid colored vertical line in mode 4.
INLINE void m4_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u8 clrid)
 Draw a clrid colored line in mode 4.
INLINE void m4_rect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u8 clrid)
 Draw a clrid colored rectangle in mode 4.
INLINE void m4_frame (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u8 clrid)
 Draw a clrid colored frame in mode 4.

mode 5

#define M5_CLEAR()   memset32(vid_page, 0, M5_SIZE/4)
 Fill the current mode 5 backbuffer with clr.
INLINE void m5_fill (COLOR clr)
 Fill the current mode 5 backbuffer with clr.
INLINE void m5_plot (int x, int y, COLOR clr)
 Plot a clrid pixel on the current mode 5 backbuffer.
INLINE void m5_hline (int x1, int y, int x2, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored horizontal line in mode 5.
INLINE void m5_vline (int x, int y1, int y2, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored vertical line in mode 5.
INLINE void m5_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored line in mode 5.
INLINE void m5_rect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored rectangle in mode 5.
INLINE void m5_frame (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, COLOR clr)
 Draw a clr colored frame in mode 5.


#define SCREEN_WIDTH   240
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT   160
#define M5_WIDTH   160
#define M5_HEIGHT   128
#define SCREEN_LINES   228
#define LAYER_BG0   0x0001
#define LAYER_BG1   0x0002
#define LAYER_BG2   0x0004
#define LAYER_BG3   0x0008
#define LAYER_OBJ   0x0010
#define LAYER_BD   0x0020
#define CLR_MASK   0x001F
#define RED_MASK   0x001F
#define RED_SHIFT   0
#define GREEN_MASK   0x03E0
#define GREEN_SHIFT   5
#define BLUE_MASK   0x7C00
#define BLUE_SHIFT   10
#define CBB_CLEAR(cbb)   memset32(&tile_mem[cbb], 0, CBB_SIZE/4)
#define SBB_CLEAR(sbb)   memset32(&se_mem[sbb], 0, SBB_SIZE/4)
#define SBB_CLEAR_ROW(sbb, row)   memset32(&se_mem[sbb][(row)*32], 0, 32/2)
#define __BG_TYPES   ((0x0C7F<<16)|(0x0C40))
#define BG_IS_AFFINE(n)   ( (__BG_TYPES>>(4*(REG_DISPCNT&7)+(n) ))&1 )
#define BG_IS_AVAIL(n)   ( (__BG_TYPES>>(4*(REG_DISPCNT&7)+(n)+16))&1 )
Base Color constants
#define CLR_BLACK   0x0000
#define CLR_RED   0x001F
#define CLR_LIME   0x03E0
#define CLR_YELLOW   0x03FF
#define CLR_BLUE   0x7C00
#define CLR_MAG   0x7C1F
#define CLR_CYAN   0x7FE0
#define CLR_WHITE   0x7FFF
Additional colors
#define CLR_DEAD   0xDEAD
#define CLR_MAROON   0x0010
#define CLR_GREEN   0x0200
#define CLR_OLIVE   0x0210
#define CLR_ORANGE   0x021F
#define CLR_NAVY   0x4000
#define CLR_PURPLE   0x4010
#define CLR_TEAL   0x4200
#define CLR_GRAY   0x4210
#define CLR_MEDGRAY   0x5294
#define CLR_SILVER   0x6318
#define CLR_MONEYGREEN   0x6378
#define CLR_FUCHSIA   0x7C1F
#define CLR_SKYBLUE   0x7B34
#define CLR_CREAM   0x7BFF


INLINE void vid_vsync (void)
void vid_wait (uint frames)
u16 * vid_flip (void)
 Flip the display page.
void clr_rotate (COLOR *clrs, uint nclrs, int ror)
 Rotate nclrs colors at clrs to the right by ror.
void clr_blend (const COLOR *srca, const COLOR *srcb, COLOR *dst, u32 nclrs, u32 alpha)
 Blends color arrays srca and srcb into dst.
void clr_fade (const COLOR *src, COLOR clr, COLOR *dst, u32 nclrs, u32 alpha)
 Fades color arrays srca to clr into dst.
void clr_grayscale (COLOR *dst, const COLOR *src, uint nclrs)
 Transform colors to grayscale.
void clr_rgbscale (COLOR *dst, const COLOR *src, uint nclrs, COLOR clr)
 Transform colors to an rgb-scale.
void clr_adj_brightness (COLOR *dst, const COLOR *src, uint nclrs, FIXED bright)
 Adjust brightness by bright.
void clr_adj_contrast (COLOR *dst, const COLOR *src, uint nclrs, FIXED contrast)
 Adjust contrast by contrast.
void clr_adj_intensity (COLOR *dst, const COLOR *src, uint nclrs, FIXED intensity)
 Adjust intensity by intensity.
void pal_gradient (COLOR *pal, int first, int last)
 Create a gradient between pal[first] and pal[last].
void pal_gradient_ex (COLOR *pal, int first, int last, COLOR clr_first, COLOR clr_last)
 Create a gradient between pal[first] and pal[last].
IWRAM_CODE void clr_blend_fast (COLOR *srca, COLOR *srcb, COLOR *dst, uint nclrs, u32 alpha)
 Blends color arrays srca and srcb into dst.
IWRAM_CODE void clr_fade_fast (COLOR *src, COLOR clr, COLOR *dst, uint nclrs, u32 alpha)
 Fades color arrays srca to clr into dst.
INLINE COLOR RGB15 (int red, int green, int blue)
 Create a 15bit BGR color.
INLINE COLOR RGB15_SAFE (int red, int green, int blue)
 Create a 15bit BGR color, with proper masking of R,G,B components.
INLINE COLOR RGB8 (u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue)
 Create a 15bit BGR color, using 8bit components.
INLINE void se_fill (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, SCR_ENTRY se)
 Fill screenblock sbb with se.
INLINE void se_plot (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, int x, int y, SCR_ENTRY se)
 Plot a screen entry at (x,y) of screenblock sbb.
INLINE void se_rect (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, SCR_ENTRY se)
 Fill a rectangle on sbb with se.
INLINE void se_frame (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, SCR_ENTRY se)
 Create a border on sbb with se.
void se_window (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, SCR_ENTRY se0)
 Create a framed rectangle.
void se_hline (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, int x0, int x1, int y, SCR_ENTRY se)
void se_vline (SCR_ENTRY *sbb, int x, int y0, int y1, SCR_ENTRY se)
INLINE void bg_aff_set (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, FIXED pa, FIXED pb, FIXED pc, FIXED pd)
 Set the elements of an bg affine matrix.
INLINE void bg_aff_identity (BG_AFFINE *bgaff)
 Set an bg affine matrix to the identity matrix.
INLINE void bg_aff_scale (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, FIXED sx, FIXED sy)
 Set an bg affine matrix for scaling.
INLINE void bg_aff_shearx (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, FIXED hx)
INLINE void bg_aff_sheary (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, FIXED hy)
void bg_aff_rotate (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, u16 alpha)
 Set bg matrix to counter-clockwise rotation.
void bg_aff_rotscale (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, int sx, int sy, u16 alpha)
 Set bg matrix to 2d scaling, then counter-clockwise rotation.
void bg_aff_premul (BG_AFFINE *dst, const BG_AFFINE *src)
 Pre-multiply dst by src: D = S*D.
void bg_aff_postmul (BG_AFFINE *dst, const BG_AFFINE *src)
 Post-multiply dst by src: D= D*S.
void bg_aff_rotscale2 (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, const AFF_SRC *as)
 Set bg matrix to 2d scaling, then counter-clockwise rotation.
void bg_rotscale_ex (BG_AFFINE *bgaff, const AFF_SRC_EX *asx)
 Set bg affine matrix to a rot/scale around an arbitrary point.
INLINE void bg_aff_copy (BG_AFFINE *dst, const BG_AFFINE *src)
 Copy bg affine aprameters.
Generic 8bpp bitmaps
void bmp8_plot (int x, int y, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Plot a single pixel on a 8-bit buffer.
void bmp8_hline (int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a horizontal line on an 8bit buffer.
void bmp8_vline (int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a vertical line on an 8bit buffer.
void bmp8_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a line on an 8bit buffer.
void bmp8_rect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a rectangle in 8bit mode; internal routine.
void bmp8_frame (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a rectangle in 8bit mode; internal routine.
Generic 16bpp bitmaps
void bmp16_plot (int x, int y, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Plot a single pixel on a 16-bit buffer.
void bmp16_hline (int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a horizontal line on an 16bit buffer.
void bmp16_vline (int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a vertical line on an 16bit buffer.
void bmp16_line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a line on an 16bit buffer.
void bmp16_rect (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a rectangle in 16bit mode; internal routine.
void bmp16_frame (int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr, void *dstBase, uint dstP)
 Draw a rectangle in 16bit mode; internal routine.

Detailed Description

J Vijn
20060604 - 20080311

Function Documentation

u16* vid_flip ( void   ) 

Flip the display page.

Toggles the display page in REG_DISPCNT and sets vid_page to point to the back buffer.

Current back buffer pointer.

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:56 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3