libtonc: tonc_core.h File Reference


tonc_core.h File Reference

#include "tonc_memmap.h" #include "tonc_memdef.h"

Copying and filling routines

#define GRIT_CPY(dst, name)   memcpy16(dst, name, name##Len/2)
 Simplified copier for GRIT-exported data.
void * tonccpy (void *dst, const void *src, uint size)
 VRAM-safe cpy.
void * __toncset (void *dst, u32 fill, uint size)
 VRAM-safe memset, internal routine.
INLINE void * toncset (void *dst, u8 src, uint count)
 VRAM-safe memset, byte version. Size in bytes.
INLINE void * toncset16 (void *dst, u16 src, uint count)
 VRAM-safe memset, halfword version. Size in hwords.
INLINE void * toncset32 (void *dst, u32 src, uint count)
 VRAM-safe memset, word version. Size in words.
void memset16 (void *dst, u16 hw, uint hwcount)
 Fastfill for halfwords, analogous to memset().
void memcpy16 (void *dst, const void *src, uint hwcount)
IWRAM_CODE void memset32 (void *dst, u32 wd, uint wdcount)
 Fast-fill by words, analogous to memset().
IWRAM_CODE void memcpy32 (void *dst, const void *src, uint wdcount)

Random numbers

#define QRAN_SHIFT   15
#define QRAN_MASK   ((1<<QRAN_SHIFT)-1)
int sqran (int seed)
INLINE int qran (void)
 Quick (and very dirty) pseudo-random number generator.
INLINE int qran_range (int min, int max)
 Ranged random number.


#define countof(_array)   ( sizeof(_array)/sizeof(_array[0]) )
 Get the number of elements in an array.
#define DMA_TRANSFER(_dst, _src, count, ch, mode)
 General purpose DMA transfer macro.
#define SND_RATE(note, oct)   ( 2048-(__snd_rates[note]>>(4+(oct))) )
 Gives the period of a note for the tone-gen registers.
#define STR(x)   #x
#define XSTR(x)   STR(x)
 Create text string from a literal.
Simple bit macros
#define BIT(n)   ( 1<<(n) )
 Create value with bit n set.
#define BIT_SHIFT(a, n)   ( (a)<<(n) )
 Shift a by n.
#define BIT_MASK(len)   ( BIT(len)-1 )
 Create a bitmask len bits long.
#define BIT_SET(y, flag)   ( y |= (flag) )
 Set the flag bits in word.
#define BIT_CLEAR(y, flag)   ( y &= ~(flag) )
 Clear the flag bits in word.
#define BIT_FLIP(y, flag)   ( y ^= (flag) )
 Flip the flag bits in word.
#define BIT_EQ(y, flag)   ( ((y)&(flag)) == (flag) )
 Test whether all the flag bits in word are set.
#define BF_MASK(shift, len)   ( BIT_MASK(len)<<(shift) )
 Create a bitmask of length len starting at bit shift.
#define _BF_GET(y, shift, len)   ( ((y)>>(len))&(shift) )
 Retrieve a bitfield mask of length starting at bit shift from y.
#define _BF_PREP(x, shift, len)   ( ((x)&BIT_MASK(len))<<(shift) )
 Prepare a bitmask for insertion or combining.
#define _BF_SET(y, x, shift, len)   ( y= ((y) &~ BF_MASK(shift, len)) | _BF_PREP(x, shift, len) )
 Insert a new bitfield value x into y.
some EVIL bit-field operations, >:)
These allow you to mimic bitfields with macros. Most of the bitfields in the registers have foo_SHIFT and foo_SHIFT macros indicating the mask and shift values of the bitfield named foo in a variable. These macros let you prepare, get and set the bitfields.

#define BFN_PREP(x, name)   ( ((x)<<name##_SHIFT) & name##_MASK )
 Prepare a named bit-field for for insterion or combination.
#define BFN_GET(y, name)   ( ((y) & name##_MASK)>>name##_SHIFT )
 Get the value of a named bitfield from y. Equivalent to (var=)
#define BFN_SET(y, x, name)   (y = ((y)&~name##_MASK) | BFN_PREP(x,name) )
 Set a named bitfield in y to x. Equivalent to x.
#define BFN_CMP(y, x, name)   ( ((y)&name##_MASK) == (x) )
 Compare a named bitfield to named literal x.
#define BFN_PREP2(x, name)   ( (x) & name##_MASK )
 Massage x for use in bitfield name with pre-shifted x.
#define BFN_GET2(y, name)   ( (y) & name##_MASK )
 Get the value of bitfield name from y, but don't down-shift.
#define BFN_SET2(y, x, name)   ( y = ((y)&~name##_MASK) | BFN_PREP2(x,name) )
 Set bitfield name from y to x with pre-shifted x.
Inline assembly
#define ASM_CMT(str)   asm volatile("@# " str)
 Assembly comment.
#define ASM_BREAK()   asm volatile("\tmov\t\tr11, r11")
 No$gba breakpoint.
#define ASM_NOP()   asm volatile("\tnop")
 No-op; wait a bit.


enum  eSndNoteId {


INLINE u32 bf_get (u32 y, uint shift, uint len)
 Get len long bitfield from y, starting at shift.
INLINE u32 bf_merge (u32 y, u32 x, uint shift, uint len)
 Merge x into an len long bitfield from y, starting at shift.
INLINE u32 bf_clamp (int x, uint len)
 Clamp to within the range allowed by len bits.
INLINE int bit_tribool (u32 flags, uint plus, uint minus)
 Gives a tribool (-1, 0, or +1) depending on the state of some bits.
INLINE u32 ROR (u32 x, uint ror)
 Rotate bits right. Yes, this does lead to a ror instruction.
INLINE uint align (uint x, uint width)
 Align x to the next multiple of width.
INLINE void dma_cpy (void *dst, const void *src, uint count, uint ch, u32 mode)
 Generic DMA copy routine.
INLINE void dma_fill (void *dst, volatile u32 src, uint count, uint ch, u32 mode)
 Generic DMA fill routine.
INLINE void dma3_cpy (void *dst, const void *src, uint size)
 Specific DMA copier, using channel 3, word transfers.
INLINE void dma3_fill (void *dst, volatile u32 src, uint size)
 Specific DMA filler, using channel 3, word transfers.
INLINE void profile_start (void)
 Start a profiling run.
INLINE uint profile_stop (void)
 Stop a profiling run and return the time since its start.
Repeated-value creators
These function take a hex-value and duplicate it to all fields, like 0x88 -> 0x88888888.

INLINE u16 dup8 (u8 x)
 Duplicate a byte to form a halfword: 0x12 -> 0x1212.
INLINE u32 dup16 (u16 x)
 Duplicate a halfword to form a word: 0x1234 -> 0x12341234.
INLINE u32 quad8 (u8 x)
 Quadruple a byte to form a word: 0x12 -> 0x12121212.
INLINE u32 octup (u8 x)
 Octuple a nybble to form a word: 0x1 -> 0x11111111.
Packing routines.
INLINE u16 bytes2hword (u8 b0, u8 b1)
 Pack 2 bytes into a word. Little-endian order.
INLINE u32 bytes2word (u8 b0, u8 b1, u8 b2, u8 b3)
 Pack 4 bytes into a word. Little-endian order.
INLINE u32 hword2word (u16 h0, u16 h1)
 Pack 2 bytes into a word. Little-endian order.
Sector checking
u32 octant (int x, int y)
 Get the octant that (x, y) is in.
u32 octant_rot (int x0, int y0)
 Get the rotated octant that (x, y) is in.


const uint __snd_rates [12]
const u8 oam_sizes [3][4][2]
const BG_AFFINE bg_aff_default
int __qran_seed

Detailed Description

J Vijn
20060508 - 20080128

Define Documentation

#define SND_RATE ( note,
oct   )     ( 2048-(__snd_rates[note]>>(4+(oct))) )

Gives the period of a note for the tone-gen registers.

GBA sound range: 8 octaves: [-2, 5]; 8*12= 96 notes (kinda).

note ID (range: [0,11>). See eSndNoteId.
oct octave (range [-2,4)>).

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:56 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3