libtonc: tonc_surface.h File Reference


tonc_surface.h File Reference

#include "tonc_memmap.h" #include "tonc_core.h"


Rendering procedure types
typedef u32(* fnGetPixel )(const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
typedef void(* fnPlot )(const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
typedef void(* fnHLine )(const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr)
typedef void(* fnVLine )(const TSurface *dst, int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr)
typedef void(* fnLine )(const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr)
typedef void(* fnRect )(const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
typedef void(* fnFrame )(const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
typedef void(* fnBlit )(const TSurface *dst, int dstX, int dstY, uint width, uint height, const TSurface *src, int srcX, int srcY)
typedef void(* fnFlood )(const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)


enum  ESurfaceType {
  SRF_NONE = 0, SRF_BMP16 = 1, SRF_BMP8 = 2, SRF_CHR4R = 4,
  SRF_CHR4C = 5, SRF_CHR8 = 6, SRF_ALLOCATED = 0x80
 Surface types. More...


void srf_init (TSurface *srf, enum ESurfaceType type, const void *data, uint width, uint height, uint bpp, u16 *pal)
 Initalize a surface for type formatted graphics.
void srf_pal_copy (const TSurface *dst, const TSurface *src, uint count)
 Copy count colors from src's palette to dst's palette.
void * srf_get_ptr (const TSurface *srf, uint x, uint y)
 Get the byte address of coordinates (x, y) on the surface.
INLINE uint srf_align (uint width, uint bpp)
 Get the word-aligned number of bytes for a scanline.
INLINE void srf_set_ptr (TSurface *srf, const void *ptr)
 Set Data-pointer surface for srf.
INLINE void srf_set_pal (TSurface *srf, const u16 *pal, uint size)
 Set the palette pointer and its size.
INLINE void * _srf_get_ptr (const TSurface *srf, uint x, uint y, uint stride)
 Inline and semi-safe version of srf_get_ptr(). Use with caution.
u32 sbmp16_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y).
void sbmp16_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 16-bit buffer.
void sbmp16_hline (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr)
 Draw a horizontal line on an 16bit buffer.
void sbmp16_vline (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a vertical line on an 16bit buffer.
void sbmp16_line (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a line on an 16bit buffer.
void sbmp16_rect (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Draw a rectangle in 16bit mode.
void sbmp16_frame (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Draw a rectangle in 16bit mode.
void sbmp16_blit (const TSurface *dst, int dstX, int dstY, uint width, uint height, const TSurface *src, int srcX, int srcY)
 16bpp blitter. Copies a rectangle from one surface to another.
void sbmp16_floodfill (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Floodfill an area of the same color with new color clr.
INLINE void _sbmp16_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 16-bit buffer; inline version.
INLINE u32 _sbmp16_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y); inline version.
u32 sbmp8_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y).
void sbmp8_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 8-bit buffer.
void sbmp8_hline (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr)
 Draw a horizontal line on an 8-bit buffer.
void sbmp8_vline (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a vertical line on an 8-bit buffer.
void sbmp8_line (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a line on an 8-bit buffer.
void sbmp8_rect (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Draw a rectangle in 8-bit mode.
void sbmp8_frame (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Draw a rectangle in 8-bit mode.
void sbmp8_blit (const TSurface *dst, int dstX, int dstY, uint width, uint height, const TSurface *src, int srcX, int srcY)
 16bpp blitter. Copies a rectangle from one surface to another.
void sbmp8_floodfill (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Floodfill an area of the same color with new color clr.
INLINE void _sbmp8_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 8-bit surface; inline version.
INLINE u32 _sbmp8_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y); inline version.
u32 schr4c_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y).
void schr4c_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4c_hline (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr)
 Draw a horizontal line on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4c_vline (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a vertical line on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4c_line (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a line on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4c_rect (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Render a rectangle on a 4bpp tiled canvas.
void schr4c_frame (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Draw a rectangle on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4c_blit (const TSurface *dst, int dstX, int dstY, uint width, uint height, const TSurface *src, int srcX, int srcY)
 Blitter for 4bpp tiled surfaces. Copies a rectangle from one surface to another.
void schr4c_floodfill (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Floodfill an area of the same color with new color clr.
void schr4c_prep_map (const TSurface *srf, u16 *map, u16 se0)
 Prepare a screen-entry map for use with chr4.
u32 * schr4c_get_ptr (const TSurface *srf, int x, int y)
 Special pointer getter for chr4: start of in-tile line.
INLINE void _schr4c_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 4bpp tiled,col-jamor surface; inline version.
INLINE u32 _schr4c_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y); inline version.
u32 schr4r_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y).
void schr4r_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4r_hline (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y, int x2, u32 clr)
 Draw a horizontal line on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4r_vline (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y1, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a vertical line on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4r_line (const TSurface *dst, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, u32 clr)
 Draw a line on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4r_rect (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Render a rectangle on a tiled canvas.
void schr4r_frame (const TSurface *dst, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, u32 clr)
 Draw a rectangle on a 4bpp tiled surface.
void schr4r_prep_map (const TSurface *srf, u16 *map, u16 se0)
 Prepare a screen-entry map for use with chr4.
u32 * schr4r_get_ptr (const TSurface *srf, int x, int y)
 Special pointer getter for chr4: start of in-tile line.
INLINE void _schr4r_plot (const TSurface *dst, int x, int y, u32 clr)
 Plot a single pixel on a 4bpp tiled,row-major surface; inline version.
INLINE u32 _schr4r_get_pixel (const TSurface *src, int x, int y)
 Get the pixel value of src at (x, y); inline version.


const TSurface m3_surface
EWRAM_DATA TSurface m4_surface
EWRAM_DATA TSurface m5_surface
const TSurfaceProcTab bmp16_tab
const TSurfaceProcTab bmp8_tab
const TSurfaceProcTab chr4c_tab

Detailed Description

J Vijn
20080119 - 20080514

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:56 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3