libtonc: tonc_memdef.h File Reference


tonc_memdef.h File Reference


#define DCNT_MODE0   0
 Mode 0; bg 0-4: reg.
#define DCNT_MODE1   0x0001
 Mode 1; bg 0-1: reg; bg 2: affine.
#define DCNT_MODE2   0x0002
 Mode 2; bg 2-3: affine.
#define DCNT_MODE3   0x0003
 Mode 3; bg2: 240x160@16 bitmap.
#define DCNT_MODE4   0x0004
 Mode 4; bg2: 240x160@8 bitmap.
#define DCNT_MODE5   0x0005
 Mode 5; bg2: 160x128@16 bitmap.
#define DCNT_GB   0x0008
 (R) GBC indicator
#define DCNT_PAGE   0x0010
 Page indicator.
#define DCNT_OAM_HBL   0x0020
 Allow OAM updates in HBlank.
#define DCNT_OBJ_2D   0
 OBJ-VRAM as matrix.
#define DCNT_OBJ_1D   0x0040
 OBJ-VRAM as array.
#define DCNT_BLANK   0x0080
 Force screen blank.
#define DCNT_BG0   0x0100
 Enable bg 0.
#define DCNT_BG1   0x0200
 Enable bg 1.
#define DCNT_BG2   0x0400
 Enable bg 2.
#define DCNT_BG3   0x0800
 Enable bg 3.
#define DCNT_OBJ   0x1000
 Enable objects.
#define DCNT_WIN0   0x2000
 Enable window 0.
#define DCNT_WIN1   0x4000
 Enable window 1.
#define DCNT_WINOBJ   0x8000
 Enable object window.
#define DCNT_MODE_MASK   0x0007
#define DCNT_MODE_SHIFT   0
#define DCNT_MODE(n)   ((n)<<DCNT_MODE_SHIFT)
#define DCNT_LAYER_MASK   0x1F00
#define DCNT_LAYER_SHIFT   8
#define DCNT_LAYER(n)   ((n)<<DCNT_LAYER_SHIFT)
#define DCNT_WIN_MASK   0xE000
#define DCNT_WIN_SHIFT   13
#define DCNT_WIN(n)   ((n)<<DCNT_WIN_SHIFT)
#define DCNT_BUILD(mode, layer, win, obj1d, objhbl)
#define DSTAT_IN_VBL   0x0001
 Now in VBlank.
#define DSTAT_IN_HBL   0x0002
 Now in HBlank.
#define DSTAT_IN_VCT   0x0004
 Now in set VCount.
#define DSTAT_VBL_IRQ   0x0008
 Enable VBlank irq.
#define DSTAT_HBL_IRQ   0x0010
 Enable HBlank irq.
#define DSTAT_VCT_IRQ   0x0020
 Enable VCount irq.
#define DSTAT_VCT_MASK   0xFF00
#define DSTAT_VCT_SHIFT   8
#define DSTAT_VCT(n)   ((n)<<DSTAT_VCT_SHIFT)
#define BG_MOSAIC   0x0040
 Enable Mosaic.
#define BG_4BPP   0
 4bpp (16 color) bg (no effect on affine bg)
#define BG_8BPP   0x0080
 8bpp (256 color) bg (no effect on affine bg)
#define BG_WRAP   0x2000
 Wrap around edges of affine bgs.
#define BG_SIZE0   0
#define BG_SIZE1   0x4000
#define BG_SIZE2   0x8000
#define BG_SIZE3   0xC000
#define BG_REG_32x32   0
 reg bg, 32x32 (256x256 px)
#define BG_REG_64x32   0x4000
 reg bg, 64x32 (512x256 px)
#define BG_REG_32x64   0x8000
 reg bg, 32x64 (256x512 px)
#define BG_REG_64x64   0xC000
 reg bg, 64x64 (512x512 px)
#define BG_AFF_16x16   0
 affine bg, 16x16 (128x128 px)
#define BG_AFF_32x32   0x4000
 affine bg, 32x32 (256x256 px)
#define BG_AFF_64x64   0x8000
 affine bg, 64x64 (512x512 px)
#define BG_AFF_128x128   0xC000
 affine bg, 128x128 (1024x1024 px)
#define BG_PRIO_MASK   0x0003
#define BG_PRIO_SHIFT   0
#define BG_PRIO(n)   ((n)<<BG_PRIO_SHIFT)
#define BG_CBB_MASK   0x000C
#define BG_CBB_SHIFT   2
#define BG_CBB(n)   ((n)<<BG_CBB_SHIFT)
#define BG_SBB_MASK   0x1F00
#define BG_SBB_SHIFT   8
#define BG_SBB(n)   ((n)<<BG_SBB_SHIFT)
#define BG_SIZE_MASK   0xC000
#define BG_SIZE_SHIFT   14
#define BG_SIZE(n)   ((n)<<BG_SIZE_SHIFT)
#define BG_BUILD(cbb, sbb, size, bpp, prio, mos, wrap)
#define BLD_BG0   0x0001
 \ name Blend control
#define BLD_BG1   0x0002
 Blend bg 1.
#define BLD_BG2   0x0004
 Blend bg 2.
#define BLD_BG3   0x0008
 Blend bg 3.
#define BLD_OBJ   0x0010
 Blend objects.
#define BLD_ALL   0x001F
 All layers (except backdrop).
#define BLD_BACKDROP   0x0020
 Blend backdrop.
#define BLD_OFF   0
 Blend mode is off.
#define BLD_STD   0x0040
 Normal alpha blend (with REG_EV).
#define BLD_WHITE   0x0080
 Fade to white (with REG_Y).
#define BLD_BLACK   0x00C0
 Fade to black (with REG_Y).
#define BLD_TOP_MASK   0x003F
#define BLD_TOP_SHIFT   0
#define BLD_TOP(n)   ((n)<<BLD_TOP_SHIFT)
#define BLD_MODE_MASK   0x00C0
#define BLD_MODE_SHIFT   6
#define BLD_MODE(n)   ((n)<<BLD_MODE_SHIFT)
#define BLD_BOT_MASK   0x3F00
#define BLD_BOT_SHIFT   8
#define BLD_BOT(n)   ((n)<<BLD_BOT_SHIFT)
#define BLD_BUILD(top, bot, mode)   ( (((bot)&63)<<8) | (((mode)&3)<<6) | ((top)&63) )
#define SSW_INC   0
 Increasing sweep rate.
#define SSW_DEC   0x0008
 Decreasing sweep rate.
#define SSW_OFF   0x0008
 Disable sweep altogether.
#define SSW_SHIFT_MASK   0x0007
#define SSW_SHIFT_SHIFT   0
#define SSW_SHIFT(n)   ((n)<<SSW_SHIFT_SHIFT)
#define SSW_TIME_MASK   0x0070
#define SSW_TIME_SHIFT   4
#define SSW_TIME(n)   ((n)<<SSW_TIME_SHIFT)
#define SSW_BUILD(shift, dir, time)   ( (((time)&7)<<4) | ((dir)<<3) | ((shift)&7) )
#define SSQR_DUTY1_8   0
 12.5% duty cycle (#-------)
#define SSQR_DUTY1_4   0x0040
 25% duty cycle (##------)
#define SSQR_DUTY1_2   0x0080
 50% duty cycle (####----)
#define SSQR_DUTY3_4   0x00C0
 75% duty cycle (######--) Equivalent to 25%
#define SSQR_INC   0
 Increasing volume.
#define SSQR_DEC   0x0800
 Decreasing volume.
#define SSQR_LEN_MASK   0x003F
#define SSQR_LEN_SHIFT   0
#define SSQR_LEN(n)   ((n)<<SSQR_LEN_SHIFT)
#define SSQR_DUTY_MASK   0x00C0
#define SSQR_DUTY_SHIFT   6
#define SSQR_DUTY(n)   ((n)<<SSQR_DUTY_SHIFT)
#define SSQR_TIME_MASK   0x0700
#define SSQR_TIME_SHIFT   8
#define SSQR_TIME(n)   ((n)<<SSQR_TIME_SHIFT)
#define SSQR_IVOL_MASK   0xF000
#define SSQR_IVOL_SHIFT   12
#define SSQR_IVOL(n)   ((n)<<SSQR_IVOL_SHIFT)
#define SSQR_ENV_BUILD(ivol, dir, time)   ( ((ivol)<<12) | ((dir)<<11) | (((time)&7)<<8) )
#define SSQR_BUILD(_ivol, dir, step, duty, len)   ( SSQR_ENV_BUILD(ivol,dir,step) | (((duty)&3)<<6) | ((len)&63) )
#define SFREQ_HOLD   0
 Continuous play.
#define SFREQ_TIMED   0x4000
 Timed play.
#define SFREQ_RESET   0x8000
 Reset sound.
#define SFREQ_RATE_MASK   0x07FF
#define SFREQ_RATE_SHIFT   0
#define SFREQ_RATE(n)   ((n)<<SFREQ_RATE_SHIFT)
#define SFREQ_BUILD(rate, timed, reset)   ( ((rate)&0x7FF) | ((timed)<<14) | ((reset)<<15) )
#define SDMG_LSQR1   0x0100
 Enable channel 1 on left.
#define SDMG_LSQR2   0x0200
 Enable channel 2 on left.
#define SDMG_LWAVE   0x0400
 Enable channel 3 on left.
#define SDMG_LNOISE   0x0800
 Enable channel 4 on left.
#define SDMG_RSQR1   0x1000
 Enable channel 1 on right.
#define SDMG_RSQR2   0x2000
 Enable channel 2 on right.
#define SDMG_RWAVE   0x4000
 Enable channel 3 on right.
#define SDMG_RNOISE   0x8000
 Enable channel 4 on right.
#define SDMG_LVOL_MASK   0x0007
#define SDMG_LVOL_SHIFT   0
#define SDMG_LVOL(n)   ((n)<<SDMG_LVOL_SHIFT)
#define SDMG_RVOL_MASK   0x0070
#define SDMG_RVOL_SHIFT   4
#define SDMG_RVOL(n)   ((n)<<SDMG_RVOL_SHIFT)
#define SDMG_SQR1   0x01
#define SDMG_SQR2   0x02
#define SDMG_WAVE   0x04
#define SDMG_NOISE   0x08
#define SDMG_BUILD(_lmode, _rmode, _lvol, _rvol)   ( ((_rmode)<<12) | ((_lmode)<<8) | (((_rvol)&7)<<4) | ((_lvol)&7) )
#define SDMG_BUILD_LR(_mode, _vol)   SDMG_BUILD(_mode, _mode, _vol, _vol)
#define SDS_DMG25   0
 Tone generators at 25% volume.
#define SDS_DMG50   0x0001
 Tone generators at 50% volume.
#define SDS_DMG100   0x0002
 Tone generators at 100% volume.
#define SDS_A50   0
 Direct Sound A at 50% volume.
#define SDS_A100   0x0004
 Direct Sound A at 100% volume.
#define SDS_B50   0
 Direct Sound B at 50% volume.
#define SDS_B100   0x0008
 Direct Sound B at 100% volume.
#define SDS_AR   0x0100
 Enable Direct Sound A on right.
#define SDS_AL   0x0200
 Enable Direct Sound A on left.
#define SDS_ATMR0   0
 Direct Sound A to use timer 0.
#define SDS_ATMR1   0x0400
 Direct Sound A to use timer 1.
#define SDS_ARESET   0x0800
 Reset FIFO of Direct Sound A.
#define SDS_BR   0x1000
 Enable Direct Sound B on right.
#define SDS_BL   0x2000
 Enable Direct Sound B on left.
#define SDS_BTMR0   0
 Direct Sound B to use timer 0.
#define SDS_BTMR1   0x4000
 Direct Sound B to use timer 1.
#define SDS_BRESET   0x8000
 Reset FIFO of Direct Sound B.
#define SSTAT_SQR1   0x0001
 (R) Channel 1 status
#define SSTAT_SQR2   0x0002
 (R) Channel 2 status
#define SSTAT_WAVE   0x0004
 (R) Channel 3 status
#define SSTAT_NOISE   0x0008
 (R) Channel 4 status
#define SSTAT_DISABLE   0
 Disable sound.
#define SSTAT_ENABLE   0x0080
 Enable sound. NOTE: enable before using any other sound regs.
#define DMA_DST_INC   0
 Incrementing destination address.
#define DMA_DST_DEC   0x00200000
 Decrementing destination.
#define DMA_DST_FIXED   0x00400000
 Fixed destination.
#define DMA_DST_RELOAD   0x00600000
 Increment destination, reset after full run.
#define DMA_SRC_INC   0
 Incrementing source address.
#define DMA_SRC_DEC   0x00800000
 Decrementing source address.
#define DMA_SRC_FIXED   0x01000000
 Fixed source address.
#define DMA_REPEAT   0x02000000
 Repeat transfer at next start condition.
#define DMA_16   0
 Transfer by halfword.
#define DMA_32   0x04000000
 Transfer by word.
#define DMA_AT_NOW   0
 Start transfer now.
#define DMA_GAMEPAK   0x08000000
 Gamepak DRQ.
#define DMA_AT_VBLANK   0x10000000
 Start transfer at VBlank.
#define DMA_AT_HBLANK   0x20000000
 Start transfer at HBlank.
#define DMA_AT_SPECIAL   0x30000000
 Start copy at 'special' condition. Channel dependent.
#define DMA_AT_FIFO   0x30000000
 Start at FIFO empty (DMA0/DMA1).
#define DMA_AT_REFRESH   0x30000000
 VRAM special; start at VCount=2 (DMA3).
#define DMA_IRQ   0x40000000
 Enable DMA irq.
#define DMA_ENABLE   0x80000000
 Enable DMA.
#define DMA_COUNT_MASK   0x0000FFFF
#define DMA_COUNT_SHIFT   0
#define DMA_COUNT(n)   ((n)<<DMA_COUNT_SHIFT)
#define DMA_16NOW   (DMA_NOW | DMA_16)
#define DMA_32NOW   (DMA_NOW | DMA_32)
#define DMA_CPY16   (DMA_NOW | DMA_16)
#define DMA_CPY32   (DMA_NOW | DMA_32)
#define DMA_FILL16   (DMA_NOW | DMA_SRC_FIXED | DMA_16)
#define DMA_FILL32   (DMA_NOW | DMA_SRC_FIXED | DMA_32)
#define TM_FREQ_SYS   0
 System clock timer (16.7 Mhz).
#define TM_FREQ_1   0
 1 cycle/tick (16.7 Mhz)
#define TM_FREQ_64   0x0001
 64 cycles/tick (262 kHz)
#define TM_FREQ_256   0x0002
 256 cycles/tick (66 kHz)
#define TM_FREQ_1024   0x0003
 1024 cycles/tick (16 kHz)
#define TM_CASCADE   0x0004
 Increment when preceding timer overflows.
#define TM_IRQ   0x0040
 Enable timer irq.
#define TM_ENABLE   0x0080
 Enable timer.
#define TM_FREQ_MASK   0x0003
#define TM_FREQ_SHIFT   0
#define TM_FREQ(n)   ((n)<<TM_FREQ_SHIFT)
#define KEY_A   0x0001
 Button A.
#define KEY_B   0x0002
 Button B.
#define KEY_SELECT   0x0004
 Select button.
#define KEY_START   0x0008
 Start button.
#define KEY_RIGHT   0x0010
 Right D-pad.
#define KEY_LEFT   0x0020
 Left D-pad.
#define KEY_UP   0x0040
 Up D-pad.
#define KEY_DOWN   0x0080
 Down D-pad.
#define KEY_R   0x0100
 Shoulder R.
#define KEY_L   0x0200
 Shoulder L.
#define KEY_ACCEPT   0x0009
 Accept buttons: A or start.
#define KEY_CANCEL   0x0002
 Cancel button: B (well, it usually is).
#define KEY_RESET   0x030C
#define KEY_FIRE   0x0003
 Fire buttons: A or B.
#define KEY_SPECIAL   0x000C
 Special buttons: Select or Start.
#define KEY_DIR   0x00F0
 Directions: left, right, up down.
#define KEY_SHOULDER   0x0300
 L or R.
#define KEY_ANY   0x03FF
 Here's the Any key :).
#define KEY_MASK   0x03FF
#define KCNT_IRQ   0x4000
 Enable key irq.
#define KCNT_OR   0
 Interrupt on any of selected keys.
#define KCNT_AND   0x8000
 Interrupt on all of selected keys.
#define IRQ_VBLANK   0x0001
 Catch VBlank irq.
#define IRQ_HBLANK   0x0002
 Catch HBlank irq.
#define IRQ_VCOUNT   0x0004
 Catch VCount irq.
#define IRQ_TIMER0   0x0008
 Catch timer 0 irq.
#define IRQ_TIMER1   0x0010
 Catch timer 1 irq.
#define IRQ_TIMER2   0x0020
 Catch timer 2 irq.
#define IRQ_TIMER3   0x0040
 Catch timer 3 irq.
#define IRQ_SERIAL   0x0080
 Catch serial comm irq.
#define IRQ_DMA0   0x0100
 Catch DMA 0 irq.
#define IRQ_DMA1   0x0200
 Catch DMA 1 irq.
#define IRQ_DMA2   0x0400
 Catch DMA 2 irq.
#define IRQ_DMA3   0x0800
 Catch DMA 3 irq.
#define IRQ_KEYPAD   0x1000
 Catch key irq.
#define IRQ_GAMEPAK   0x2000
 Catch cart irq.
#define WS_SRAM_4   0
#define WS_SRAM_3   0x0001
#define WS_SRAM_2   0x0002
#define WS_SRAM_8   0x0003
#define WS_ROM0_N4   0
#define WS_ROM0_N3   0x0004
#define WS_ROM0_N2   0x0008
#define WS_ROM0_N8   0x000C
#define WS_ROM0_S2   0
#define WS_ROM0_S1   0x0010
#define WS_ROM1_N4   0
#define WS_ROM1_N3   0x0020
#define WS_ROM1_N2   0x0040
#define WS_ROM1_N8   0x0060
#define WS_ROM1_S4   0
#define WS_ROM1_S1   0x0080
#define WS_ROM2_N4   0
#define WS_ROM2_N3   0x0100
#define WS_ROM2_N2   0x0200
#define WS_ROM2_N8   0x0300
#define WS_ROM2_S8   0
#define WS_ROM2_S1   0x0400
#define WS_PHI_OFF   0
#define WS_PHI_4   0x0800
#define WS_PHI_2   0x1000
#define WS_PHI_1   0x1800
#define WS_PREFETCH   0x4000
#define WS_GBA   0
#define WS_CGB   0x8000
#define WS_STANDARD   0x4317
#define SE_HFLIP   0x0400
 Horizontal flip.
#define SE_VFLIP   0x0800
 Vertical flip.
#define SE_ID_MASK   0x03FF
#define SE_ID_SHIFT   0
#define SE_ID(n)   ((n)<<SE_ID_SHIFT)
#define SE_FLIP_MASK   0x0C00
#define SE_FLIP_SHIFT   10
#define SE_FLIP(n)   ((n)<<SE_FLIP_SHIFT)
#define SE_PALBANK_MASK   0xF000
#define SE_PALBANK_SHIFT   12
#define SE_PALBANK(n)   ((n)<<SE_PALBANK_SHIFT)
#define SE_BUILD(id, PALBANK, hflip, vflip)   ( ((id)&0x03FF) | (((hflip)&1)<<10) | (((vflip)&1)<<11) | ((PALBANK)<<12) )
#define ATTR0_REG   0
 Regular object.
#define ATTR0_AFF   0x0100
 Affine object.
#define ATTR0_HIDE   0x0200
 Inactive object.
#define ATTR0_AFF_DBL   0x0300
 Double-size affine object.
#define ATTR0_AFF_DBL_BIT   0x0200
#define ATTR0_BLEND   0x0400
 Enable blend.
#define ATTR0_WINDOW   0x0800
 Use for object window.
#define ATTR0_MOSAIC   0x1000
 Enable mosaic.
#define ATTR0_4BPP   0
 Use 4bpp (16 color) tiles.
#define ATTR0_8BPP   0x2000
 Use 8bpp (256 color) tiles.
#define ATTR0_SQUARE   0
 Square shape.
#define ATTR0_WIDE   0x4000
 Tall shape (height > width).
#define ATTR0_TALL   0x8000
 Wide shape (height < width).
#define ATTR0_Y_MASK   0x00FF
#define ATTR0_Y_SHIFT   0
#define ATTR0_Y(n)   ((n)<<ATTR0_Y_SHIFT)
#define ATTR0_MODE_MASK   0x0300
#define ATTR0_MODE_SHIFT   8
#define ATTR0_MODE(n)   ((n)<<ATTR0_MODE_SHIFT)
#define ATTR0_SHAPE_MASK   0xC000
#define ATTR0_SHAPE_SHIFT   14
#define ATTR0_SHAPE(n)   ((n)<<ATTR0_SHAPE_SHIFT)
#define ATTR0_BUILD(y, shape, bpp, mode, mos, bld, win)
#define ATTR1_HFLIP   0x1000
 Horizontal flip (reg obj only).
#define ATTR1_VFLIP   0x2000
 Vertical flip (reg obj only).
#define ATTR1_SIZE_8   0
#define ATTR1_SIZE_16   0x4000
#define ATTR1_SIZE_32   0x8000
#define ATTR1_SIZE_64   0xC000
#define ATTR1_SIZE_8x8   0
 Size flag for 8x8 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_16x16   0x4000
 Size flag for 16x16 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_32x32   0x8000
 Size flag for 32x32 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_64x64   0xC000
 Size flag for 64x64 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_8x16   0
 Size flag for 8x16 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_8x32   0x4000
 Size flag for 8x32 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_16x32   0x8000
 Size flag for 16x32 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_32x64   0xC000
 Size flag for 32x64 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_16x8   0
 Size flag for 16x8 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_32x8   0x4000
 Size flag for 32x8 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_32x16   0x8000
 Size flag for 32x16 px object.
#define ATTR1_SIZE_64x32   0xC000
 Size flag for 64x64 px object.
#define ATTR1_X_MASK   0x01FF
#define ATTR1_X_SHIFT   0
#define ATTR1_X(n)   ((n)<<ATTR1_X_SHIFT)
#define ATTR1_AFF_ID_MASK   0x3E00
#define ATTR1_AFF_ID_SHIFT   9
#define ATTR1_AFF_ID(n)   ((n)<<ATTR1_AFF_ID_SHIFT)
#define ATTR1_FLIP_MASK   0x3000
#define ATTR1_FLIP_SHIFT   12
#define ATTR1_FLIP(n)   ((n)<<ATTR1_FLIP_SHIFT)
#define ATTR1_SIZE_MASK   0xC000
#define ATTR1_SIZE_SHIFT   14
#define ATTR1_SIZE(n)   ((n)<<ATTR1_SIZE_SHIFT)
#define ATTR1_BUILDR(x, size, hflip, vflip)   ( ((x)&511) | (((hflip)&1)<<12) | (((vflip)&1)<<13) | (((size)&3)<<14) )
#define ATTR1_BUILDA(x, size, affid)   ( ((x)&511) | (((affid)&31)<<9) | (((size)&3)<<14) )
#define ATTR2_ID_MASK   0x03FF
#define ATTR2_ID_SHIFT   0
#define ATTR2_ID(n)   ((n)<<ATTR2_ID_SHIFT)
#define ATTR2_PRIO_MASK   0x0C00
#define ATTR2_PRIO_SHIFT   10
#define ATTR2_PRIO(n)   ((n)<<ATTR2_PRIO_SHIFT)
#define ATTR2_PALBANK_MASK   0xF000
#define ATTR2_PALBANK_SHIFT   12
#define ATTR2_BUILD(id, pb, prio)   ( ((id)&0x3FF) | (((pb)&15)<<12) | (((prio)&3)<<10) )
Window macros
#define WIN_BG0   0x0001
 Windowed bg 0.
#define WIN_BG1   0x0002
 Windowed bg 1.
#define WIN_BG2   0x0004
 Windowed bg 2.
#define WIN_BG3   0x0008
 Windowed bg 3.
#define WIN_OBJ   0x0010
 Windowed objects.
#define WIN_ALL   0x001F
 All layers in window.
#define WIN_BLD   0x0020
 Windowed blending.
#define WIN_LAYER_MASK   0x003F
 Windowed bg 0.
#define WIN_LAYER_SHIFT   0
 Windowed bg 0.
#define WIN_LAYER(n)   ((n)<<WIN_LAYER_SHIFT)
 Windowed bg 0.
#define WIN_BUILD(low, high)   ( ((high)<<8) | (low) )
 Windowed bg 0.
#define WININ_BUILD(win0, win1)   WIN_BUILD(win0, win1)
 Windowed bg 0.
#define WINOUT_BUILD(out, obj)   WIN_BUILD(out, obj)
 Windowed bg 0.
Mosaic macros
#define MOS_BH_MASK   0x000F
#define MOS_BH_SHIFT   0
#define MOS_BH(n)   ((n)<<MOS_BH_SHIFT)
#define MOS_BV_MASK   0x00F0
#define MOS_BV_SHIFT   4
#define MOS_BV(n)   ((n)<<MOS_BV_SHIFT)
#define MOS_OH_MASK   0x0F00
#define MOS_OH_SHIFT   8
#define MOS_OH(n)   ((n)<<MOS_OH_SHIFT)
#define MOS_OV_MASK   0xF000
#define MOS_OV_SHIFT   12
#define MOS_OV(n)   ((n)<<MOS_OV_SHIFT)
#define MOS_BUILD(bh, bv, oh, ov)   ( (((ov)&15)<<12) | (((oh)&15)<<8) | (((bv)&15)<<4)| ((bh)&15) )
Blend weights
#define BLD_EVA_MASK   0x001F
#define BLD_EVA_SHIFT   0
#define BLD_EVA(n)   ((n)<<BLD_EVA_SHIFT)
#define BLD_EVB_MASK   0x1F00
#define BLD_EVB_SHIFT   8
#define BLD_EVB(n)   ((n)<<BLD_EVB_SHIFT)
#define BLDA_BUILD(eva, evb)   ( ((eva)&31) | (((evb)&31)<<8) )
Fade levels
#define BLDY_MASK   0x001F
#define BLDY_SHIFT   0
#define BLDY(n)   ((n)<<BLD_EY_SHIFT)
#define BLDY_BUILD(ey)   ( (ey)&31 )
General SIO bits.
#define SIO_MODE_8BIT   0x0000
 Normal comm mode, 8-bit.
#define SIO_MODE_32BIT   0x1000
 Normal comm mode, 32-bit.
#define SIO_MODE_MULTI   0x2000
 Multi-play comm mode.
#define SIO_MODE_UART   0x3000
 UART comm mode.
#define SIO_SI_HIGH   0x0004
 Normal comm mode, 8-bit.
#define SIO_IRQ   0x4000
 Enable serial irq.
#define SIO_MODE_MASK   0x3000
 Normal comm mode, 8-bit.
#define SIO_MODE_SHIFT   12
 Normal comm mode, 8-bit.
#define SIO_MODE(n)   ((n)<<SIO_MODE_SHIFT)
 Normal comm mode, 8-bit.
Normal mode bits. UNTESTED.
#define SION_CLK_EXT   0x0000
 Slave unit; use external clock (default).
#define SION_CLK_INT   0x0001
 Master unit; use internal clock.
#define SION_256KHZ   0x0000
 256 kHz clockspeed (default).
#define SION_2MHZ   0x0002
 2 MHz clockspeed.
#define SION_RECV_HIGH   0x0004
 SI high; opponent ready to receive (R).
#define SION_SEND_HIGH   0x0008
 SO high; ready to transfer.
#define SION_ENABLE   0x0080
 Start transfer/transfer enabled.
Multiplayer mode bits. UNTESTED.
#define SIOM_9600   0x0000
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOM_38400   0x0001
 Baud rate, 38.4 kbps.
#define SIOM_57600   0x0002
 Baud rate, 57.6 kbps.
#define SIOM_115200   0x0003
 Baud rate, 115.2 kbps.
#define SIOM_SI   0x0004
 SI port (R).
#define SIOM_SLAVE   0x0004
 Not the master (R).
#define SIOM_SD   0x0008
 SD port (R).
#define SIOM_CONNECTED   0x0008
 All GBAs connected (R).
#define SIOM_ERROR   0x0040
 Error in transfer (R).
#define SIOM_ENABLE   0x0080
 Start transfer/transfer enabled.
#define SIOM_BAUD_MASK   0x0003
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOM_BAUD_SHIFT   0
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOM_BAUD(n)   ((n)<<SIOM_BAUD_SHIFT)
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOM_ID_MASK   0x0030
 Multi-player ID mask (R).
#define SIOM_ID_SHIFT   4
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOM_ID(n)   ((n)<<SIOM_ID_SHIFT)
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
UART mode bits. UNTESTED.
#define SIOU_9600   0x0000
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOU_38400   0x0001
 Baud rate, 38.4 kbps.
#define SIOU_57600   0x0002
 Baud rate, 57.6 kbps.
#define SIOU_115200   0x0003
 Baud rate, 115.2 kbps.
#define SIOU_CTS   0x0004
 CTS enable.
#define SIOU_PARITY_EVEN   0x0000
 Use even parity.
#define SIOU_PARITY_ODD   0x0008
 Use odd parity.
#define SIOU_SEND_FULL   0x0010
 Send data is full (R).
#define SIOU_RECV_EMPTY   0x0020
 Receive data is empty (R).
#define SIOU_ERROR   0x0040
 Error in transfer (R).
#define SIOU_7BIT   0x0000
 Data is 7bits long.
#define SIOU_8BIT   0x0080
 Data is 8bits long.
#define SIOU_SEND   0x0100
 Start sending data.
#define SIOU_RECV   0x0200
 Start receiving data.
#define SIOU_BAUD_MASK   0x0003
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOU_BAUD_SHIFT   0
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
#define SIOU_BAUD(n)   ((n)<<SIOU_BAUD_SHIFT)
 Baud rate, 9.6 kbps.
Communication mode select.
#define R_MODE_NORMAL   0x0000
 Normal mode.
#define R_MODE_MULTI   0x0000
 Multiplayer mode.
#define R_MODE_UART   0x0000
 UART mode.
#define R_MODE_GPIO   0x8000
 General purpose mode.
#define R_MODE_JOYBUS   0xC000
 JOY mode.
#define R_MODE_MASK   0xC000
 Normal mode.
#define R_MODE_SHIFT   14
 Normal mode.
#define R_MODE(n)   ((n)<<R_MODE_SHIFT)
 Normal mode.
General purpose I/O data
#define GPIO_SC   0x0001
#define GPIO_SD   0x0002
#define GPIO_SI   0x0004
#define GPIO_SO   0x0008
#define GPIO_SC_IO   0x0010
#define GPIO_SD_IO   0x0020
#define GPIO_SI_IO   0x0040
#define GPIO_SO_IO   0x0080
#define GPIO_SC_INPUT   0x0000
#define GPIO_SD_INPUT   0x0000
#define GPIO_SI_INPUT   0x0000
#define GPIO_SO_INPUT   0x0000
#define GPIO_SC_OUTPUT   0x0010
#define GPIO_SD_OUTPUT   0x0020
#define GPIO_SI_OUTPUT   0x0040
#define GPIO_SO_OUTPUT   0x0080
#define GPIO_IRQ   0x0100

Detailed Description

J Vijn
20060508 - 20080521

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:56 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3