libtonc: tonc_obj_affine.c File Reference


tonc_obj_affine.c File Reference

#include "tonc_memmap.h" #include "tonc_core.h"
#include "tonc_bios.h"
#include "tonc_math.h"
#include "tonc_oam.h"


void obj_aff_copy (OBJ_AFFINE *dst, const OBJ_AFFINE *src, u32 count)
void obj_aff_rotate (OBJ_AFFINE *oaff, u16 alpha)
 Set obj matrix to counter-clockwise rotation.
void obj_aff_rotscale (OBJ_AFFINE *oaff, FIXED sx, FIXED sy, u16 alpha)
 Set obj matrix to 2d scaling, then counter-clockwise rotation.
void obj_aff_premul (OBJ_AFFINE *dst, const OBJ_AFFINE *src)
 Pre-multiply dst by src: D = S*D.
void obj_aff_postmul (OBJ_AFFINE *dst, const OBJ_AFFINE *src)
 Post-multiply dst by src: D= D*S.
void obj_aff_rotscale2 (OBJ_AFFINE *oaff, const AFF_SRC *as)
 Set obj matrix to 2d scaling, then counter-clockwise rotation.
void obj_rotscale_ex (OBJ_ATTR *obj, OBJ_AFFINE *oaff, const AFF_SRC_EX *asx)
 Rot/scale an object around an arbitrary point.

Detailed Description

J Vijn
20060908 - 20060916

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:56 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3