libtonc: tonc_text.h File Reference


tonc_text.h File Reference

#include "tonc_memmap.h" #include "tonc_memdef.h"
#include "tonc_core.h"


#define toncfontTilesLen   768


void txt_init_std ()
void txt_bup_1toX (void *dstv, const void *srcv, u32 len, int bpp, u32 base)
void txt_init_se (int bgnr, u16 bgcnt, SCR_ENTRY se0, u32 clrs, u32 base)
void se_putc (int x, int y, int c, SCR_ENTRY se0)
void se_puts (int x, int y, const char *str, SCR_ENTRY se0)
void se_clrs (int x, int y, const char *str, SCR_ENTRY se0)
INLINE void obj_putc2 (int x, int y, int c, u16 attr2, OBJ_ATTR *obj0)
 Write character c to (x, y) in color clr using objects obj0 and on.
INLINE void obj_puts2 (int x, int y, const char *str, u16 attr2, OBJ_ATTR *obj0)
 Write string str to (x, y) in color clr using objects obj0 and on.
void txt_init_obj (OBJ_ATTR *obj0, u16 attr2, u32 clrs, u32 base)
void obj_putc (int x, int y, int c, u16 attr2)
void obj_puts (int x, int y, const char *str, u16 attr2)
void obj_clrs (int x, int y, const char *str)
Mode-independent functions
void bm_putc (int x, int y, int c, COLOR clr)
void bm_puts (int x, int y, const char *str, COLOR clr)
void bm_clrs (int x, int y, const char *str, COLOR clr)
Mode 3 functions
INLINE void m3_putc (int x, int y, int c, COLOR clr)
 Write character c to (x, y) in color clr in mode 3.
INLINE void m3_puts (int x, int y, const char *str, COLOR clr)
 Write string str to (x, y) in color clr in mode 3.
INLINE void m3_clrs (int x, int y, const char *str, COLOR clr)
 Clear the space used by string str at (x, y) in color clr in mode 3.
Mode 4 functions
INLINE void m4_putc (int x, int y, int c, u8 clrid)
 Write character c to (x, y) in color-index clrid in mode 4.
INLINE void m4_puts (int x, int y, const char *str, u8 clrid)
 Write string str to (x, y) in color-index clrid in mode 4.
INLINE void m4_clrs (int x, int y, const char *str, u8 clrid)
 Clear the space used by string str at (x, y) in color-index clrid in mode 4.
Mode 5 functions
INLINE void m5_putc (int x, int y, int c, COLOR clr)
 Write character c to (x, y) in color clr in mode 5.
INLINE void m5_puts (int x, int y, const char *str, COLOR clr)
 Write string str to (x, y) in color clr in mode 5.
INLINE void m5_clrs (int x, int y, const char *str, COLOR clr)
 Clear the space used by string str at (x, y) in color clr in mode 5.
Mode 5 functions
void bm16_putc (u16 *dst, int c, COLOR clr, int pitch)
void bm16_puts (u16 *dst, const char *str, COLOR clr, int pitch)
void bm16_clrs (u16 *dst, const char *str, COLOR clr, int pitch)
void bm8_putc (u16 *dst, int c, u8 clrid)
void bm8_puts (u16 *dst, const char *str, u8 clrid)


const u32 toncfontTiles [192]
TXT_BASE __txt_base
TXT_BASE * gptxt
u8 txt_lut [256]
u16 * vid_page

Detailed Description

J Vijn
20060605 - 20060605

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:56 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3