How long does SekChek take to run?
This is a difficult one to answer.
SekChek's execution time is dependent on many factors, such as CPU speed and system activity as well as the number of user accounts or files on the machine. However, here are some rough estimates, which should be accurate in 80% of cases.
SekChek for NetWare typically runs for 5-15 minutes on systems with up to 500 accounts. However on very busy, large systems (e.g. 10,000 accounts), you should allow 2-4 hours.
SekChek for Windows typically runs for 1-2 minutes on systems with up to 500 accounts. On large Active Directory domains (10,000+ accounts) it could run for 15 minutes or more. For Active Directory domains the execution time will also increase on domains with many containers/organization units and objects such as computer accounts.
Note that the option to 'query all Domain Controllers' for users' last logon information will significantly increase the execution time if the domain has a large number of Domain Controllers.
SekChek for UNIX typically runs for 5-10 minutes. However, if the host has a very large file system and you decide to scan details of world-writeable files or to scan files on NFS-mounted volumes, it could run for several hours. Note that steps with the potential to execute for a long time have all been made optional.