Expand all Admin
Usually the account that has full Administration rights. When a NetWare system is set up the Admin account is automatically created.
An Alias object points to another object in the Directory tree. It makes it appear that the object that it references actually exists in the part of the Directory tree where the Alias is created. The purpose of an Alias is to allow users to work with the object the Alias points to without having to change to the object's context.
An object that contains other objects in the Directory tree. An example is an Organization Unit which contains user objects.
The path (location) of an object in a Directory tree.
Grace Logins
Grace Logins allow a user with an expired password to continue signing-on until his/her Grace Logins are consumed. The Grace Login count is decreased by 1 each time a user with an expired password logs on without changing his/her password.
Groups and Roles are objects in the directory tree. They provide a convenient way to give several users the same set of Rights and privileges. Access rights assigned to Group and Role objects are added to rights that are directly assigned to member Users via their user accounts.
Intruder Detection
Intruder Detection features play an important role in controlling the risk of unauthorised access to a system via repeated password guessing attempts. Depending on the settings, Intruder Detection can, for example, lock out accounts which have exceeded a set number of invalid logon attempts.
Entities defined in the Directory tree. Groups, Organization Units, Computers, Volumes, Users etc.. are all objects. Objects which contain other objects are known as Containers.
See Groups.
The highest level in the tree. The root of the Directory tree.
Security Equivalence
A User object that is security equivalent to other objects automatically inherits the Rights of those objects. These inherited Rights are added to those Rights that are directly assigned to the User object.
The filename given by SekChek to the set of compressed and encrypted Scan files from a NetWare system that have been encrypted using SekChek's 'Public Key Encryption'. SCK files are encrypted with SekChek’s Public Key using industry-standard algorithms, such as RSA and 3-DES. They can only be decrypted at SekChek’s premises with the corresponding non-exportable Private Key.
SCK files are created when the ‘Public Key Encryption’ option is enabled in the SekChek Client software on your PC. This is the recommended option.
The filename given by SekChek to the set of compressed and encrypted Scan files from a NetWare system.
For improved security, we recommend that you encrypt this file using SekChek's 'Public Key Encryption'. Refer to the definition of SEKNEF.SCK files for more information.
The filename given by SekChek to the set of compressed and encrypted files containing your SekChek reports. SDE files are symmetrically encrypted
with industry-standard algorithms, such as DES.
Simultaneous Device Sessions
The capability of signing-on to multiple workstations at the same time.
Supervisory Rights
The rights granted to an object over another object. Most objects can be granted supervisory rights over other objects.
SekChek® is a registered trademark of SekChek IPS. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.