Why can’t the Encrypt function ‘see’ my Scan files?
The most likely reason is that your Scan file is incorrectly named.
For example:
SekChek for AS/400: The files must have '.txt' extensions, such as PROFBAS.TXT, SYSVALS.TXT.
SekChek for UNIX: The file must be named sekunf.z or sekunf.tar. In certain cases you may have a collection of '.txt' files, such as hostname.txt etc.
SekChek for Windows: The file must be named SEK2KF.ZIP or SEKNTF.ZIP. The Encrypt function will also recognize files with extended names, such as 'SEK2KF MyDescription.zip'. However, it will not recognize file 'MyDescription SEK2KF.ZIP'.
SekChek for Netware: The file must be named SEKNEF.ZIP. The Encrypt function will also recognize files with extended names, such as 'SEKNEF MyDescription.ZIP'.
See Encrypting your Scan File for more information.