Scan Instructions
You have a choice of 2 methods for scanning security information on an AS/400 computer:
Requires you to enter a series of commands via the OS/400 command line. It takes a little longer (20-30 minutes) to scan the security data, but is less 'intrusive' than the automated method.
The manual method is best suited to environments where it is not desirable to load software onto the AS/400 machine.
Involves transferring the Scan Software to the AS/400 machine, compiling and executing it. It is slightly quicker than the manual method, but is more 'intrusive'.
Although the software is removed from the AS/400 computer at the end of the scan process and the Source (CL) code may be inspected, this method is not recommended if there is sensitivity about compiling and running software on the AS/400.
Detailed instructions for both Scan methods are provided. The only difference in the results is that the automated method will analyse authorities for more OS/400 commands than the manual method.