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Leading Practice
This represents the generally accepted, international standard for security; the standard to strive for.
Client Software
The Client software contains usage instructions, encryption/decryption software, sample reports and the ability to create additional copies of the Scan software. It typically resides on your PC.
Encrypted File Header (EFH)
All files encrypted by SekChek (as well as the SekChek for Windows & Netware Scan software) contain an EFH. The EFH contains general information about the file such as:
The name and size of the source file
A date/ time stamp indicating when the file was encrypted
A unique identifying FileID
SekChek’s own RefNbr (if the file is an encrypted report package).
The default processing & run-time options (contact details, report format, evaluation options etc)
that were selected when you created the SekChek for Windows / Netware Scan software.
Run-time options that were selected during the Scan process. E.g. ‘Query all DCs for users’ last
logon details’ on Windows systems and ‘Analyse files with world writeable permissions’ on UNIX.
This information is useful for tracking and identification purposes.
You can display a file’s EFH by dragging the file into the 'View Encrypted File Header' box on the main menu or:
1. Selecting the file via the Decrypt function or the SekCrypt utility; and
2. Checking the ‘Display File Header’ checkbox
Encryption Password
The password that was entered during the encryption process. This password is used to encrypt your SekChek report.
Scan Software
The Scan software is used to scan security on an AS/400, NetWare, UNIX or Windows NT/2000/2003/2008 target machine. It will only run on those systems.
Industry Average
SekChek's industry averages for security are real-life averages that are recalculated after each security file we process. This makes them very dynamic, so they will change depending on selection criteria such as industry type and country.
Options and Settings
See Option Values
Processing Engine
The Processing Engine is used by the SekChek team to process Scan data, to calculate industry averages and comparisons, and to generate and encrypt SekChek reports.
Public Key Encryption
Public Key Encryption is an encryption technique that uses a pair of keys to encrypt and decrypt data. For more information, refer to SekChek's Public Key Encryption.
Reference Number
The Reference Number is a unique number assigned to each analysis performed by SekChek. The Reference Number can be found on the Options page in every SekChek report as well as in the subject line of the emails sent back to you with your File Receipt and SekChek Report.
Self-Extracting Software
This is a self-extracting executable, which is used to set-up and install the SekChek Client software on a Windows PC. It is always called SEKxxx.EXE, where 'xxx' represents the version number. E.g. SEK473.EXE.
SekChek® is a registered trademark of SekChek IPS. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.