Graphics Object Layer Configuration

Microchip Graphics Library

Microchip Graphics Library
Graphics Object Layer Configuration

The following compile time options configures the Graphics Library's Object Layer.

The Graphics Library comes with two pre-defined user interface. These are the:
  • Keyboard interface
  • Touchscreen interface

Enabling one or both requires the declaration of the compile switch macros in the GraphicsConfig.h file.
GOL widgets which supports the enabled input device's messages will respond to the user inputs.
For Example:
When using Button Widget.
#define USE_TOUCHSCREEN - will enable the buttons response to user touch on the button widget. The button will automatically be drawn with a pressed state when pressed and release state when user removes the touch on the screen.

The compile option selects the input devices used by... more 

This compile option allows keyboard input focus. GOLSetFocus(), GOLGetFocus(), GOLCanBeFocused(), GOLGetFocusNext() functions will be available. Focus is also changed by touch screen.
The USE_FOCUS option is located in the GraphicsConfig.h header file. 
These compile options selects objects used. Remove definitions for unused objects to reduce code size.
The USE_GOL and USE_OBJECT options are located in the GraphicsConfig.h header file. USE_GOL should be included if any of the objects are to be used. 
Microchip Graphics Library Version 3.06.02 - October 15, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved